President's Message


It is an honor to be the President of The Insurance Institute of Bolton for the forthcoming year and I am very much looking forward to a brilliant year for us all.

My hopes and wishes for the next 12 months are:

  • To end the year with a stronger engagement with Members and Employers than we started the year.
  • To hold 1 outstanding Learning & Development event – Planning is underway and more details will follow!
  • To hold 3 smaller but excellent Learning & Development events – again, planning is underway.
  • To collaborate with other North West Local Institute’s in the delivery of our Continuing Professional Development and Social program.
  • To hold 2 social events so that we can all get together and start smiling again. 
  • To hold a successful Annual Dinner with 250+ attendees – more will follow as plans progress.

We all volunteer to make things better for our fellow Insurance Institute of Bolton Members and PFS Colleagues and it is clear that things changed with COVID but I detect a willingness now for people to get together either for business or social purposes and I am looking forward to meeting more members and listening to what they want from their Local Institute and then trying to deliver those things.

If you have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the council members.
