Fri 3 Jul. 2020

Ipswich CII Lockdown as told by Phil Rawlings

This week we hear from council member, Phil Rawlings.

"As a single older (but not that old) person, one might think that lockdown has been a period of time fraught with anxiety and difficulty. I realise that many people will have found it difficult but - this is how it has affected me:

Friday 19 June 2020. Although retired from day to day work, I continue to be engaged in a consultative capacity and this was the final day of a claims audit on which I was able to participate from home. This meant logging onto an IT system remotely: assessing compliance with certain features and measuring any overspend on the reviewed claim.

As part of a small team of auditors I participated in a "Teams" meeting for about an hour where we shared issues to ensure consistency. Having completed the audit of files and made a start on the narrative element of my findings it was soon time for a late lunch. Sitting in the garden having lunch on a sunny day does not get any better.

I have taken to listening to BBC Sounds which is a mine of programmes - old and new - and I spent a good hour or so in the kitchen making a lemon drizzle cake whilst listening to some programmes about the Apollo space missions of the 1960s and 70s.

Lockdown has prodded me into baking stuff. To my surprise, I'm okay at it. Even bread!! The trick is making it last, rather than eating it all too quickly.

A quick review of the daily virus update and it was soon time for my evening meal.

I spent the evening speaking to family in distant parts of the UK, watching a bit of TV and reading a book about letters written in the First World War. I also prepared for the highlight of my week: updating my Click and Collect grocery order! Sometimes its the little things......

For those that remember The Magic Roundabout it was then "Time for bed" and another day nearer a different normality."
