Sat 14 Sep. 2024
2024 Examination Prize Winners Announced!

Each year, Leicester CII awards prizes for the best performance in Advanced Diploma and Diploma examinations. The winners for 2024 are:
Best performance at Advanced Diploma (Associateship) –
Ana Gomes-Freire ACII of Markel Insurance.
Ana is a relative newcomer to insurance but has quickly passed her exams with a high average mark, including one subject with distinction. Ana wins £500.
Best performance at Diploma –
Risha Babu Dip CII of Movo Insurance Brokers.
Risha passed her seven exams with three distinctions, the only one in her cohort to do so this year. Risha wins £250.
Our President, Brian Brookes Dip CII, has congratulated both winners. They and their partners are invited to the Annual Dinner in November to receive their prize.