Tue 12 Oct. 2021

The Art of Public Speaking

The Art of Public Speaking” presented by Grant Scott was well received.

With Grant’s wealth of experience not only as a Chartered Insurance Broker but also as former Vice President of the Chartered Insurance Institute Local Institutes he shared his knowledge and expertise on how to overcome the fears we encounter when speaking publicly, tips on how to manage nerves, how to control your voice as well as hand gestures, how to grab the attention of the audience and maintain I, how to write your presentation and of course deliver it.

For many individuals within both the GI and PFS sectors, conducting presentations to insurers, clients, peers etc. as well as training groups of individuals, presenting data, chairing meetings, CII presidential speeches are all forms of public speaking which can be overwhelming to some. Grant really understood how the body and our minds can react in such circumstances and gave us the tools to manage these effects and much more. Thank you Grant.