Mon 10 Aug. 2020

Webinar information and assistance

Webinar links
The link will be included in the booking confirmation email that is automatically sent when you register for the webinar, which you can add to your calendar. A reminder will also be sent. Please ensure that your email security system allows you to receive these emails.

If you cannot attend a webinar you have booked onto, you can cancel your place by clicking the 'Cancel Booking' link on the booking confirmation email and booking reminder email. Please give as much notice as you can when cancelling your place so others can attend.

CPD Certificates
To access the CPD certificate for the webinar you must complete the online survey which is automatically sent to you when the webinar begins. Once you have completed the survey you will receive instructions on how to download the certificate. Your feedback is very important to us and helps us to arrange topical webinars that support you in your professional development.

Webinar starting times
Please join the webinar a few minutes early to ensure that it can start and complete on time and identify any technical issues they may have using the link.

Accessibility and Disability
We are happy to give you any extra support that would help to make things easier for you in order to attend our events, please contact us at

Thank you for your consideration.