AF1 (Personal Tax & Trust Planning) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th February 2025 - online distance learning event

Tuesday, 11 February 2025 – Wednesday, 12 February 2025
9:30 am – 4:30 pm (UK time)

AF1 (Personal Tax & Trust Planning) Pre Exam Training, Day 1 - Tuesday 11th February 2025, Day 2 - Wednesday 12th February 2025

The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey, Sussex, Thames Valley, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Newcastle, Sussex, York and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the AF1 examination.

This event will be run as an Online Distance Learning event.

The cost of both the two days’ training will be £100 for PFS Hants & Dorset, Thames Valley, Surrey, Sussex, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire Regional Committees. £150 for all other PFS members and £200 for non PFS members.

A copy of the two days’ recorded sessions and supporting material will be made available to the delegates. There is a maximum of 16 attendees. If we are oversubscribed, you will be placed on a waiting list.

We reserve the right to cancel this event should there be fewer than 6 delegates attending. Should this occur a full refund or transfer to an alternative course will be offered and some supporting material, at no extra cost, will be sent to the enrolled delegates.

The days will commence at 0930 sharp and finish by 1630, with breaks timetabled for lunch etc throughout the days.

The AF1 preparation days aim to increase your chances of passing the exam.

AF1 is a challenging exam and candidates need to be well prepared if they are to have a reasonable chance of passing.

This will be very much a revision course so it’s important that you come with a reasonable knowledge of the main subjects of the syllabus.

Day 1 Taxation

By the end of the event delegates will able to:

  • Calculate accurately a liability to income, capital gains, inheritance tax and National Insurance for individuals whose situation is typical of those tested in previous AF1 papers.

  • Understand the main pension input and benefit rules as applied to typical AF1 questions

  • Explain accurately the tax treatment of the main pooled investments, both on and off-shore and apply these rules to practical situations faced by the average investor

Day 2 Trusts

By the end of the event delegates will be able to:

  • Understand how an individual’s status for Residency and Domicile is established and how this affects their liability to UK tax.

  • Explain how trusts can be set up together with the roles and responsibilities of trustees.

  • Explain the main characteristics of Absolute, Interest in Possession and Discretionary trusts and how income and capital gains is calculated for each

  • Identify what is a Relevant Property Trust and a Non-Relevant Property Trust and explain how this status affects liability to IHT

  • Explain the requirements for a will to be valid and the process to be followed by the executors in distributing the estate

  • Explain the rules of intestacy and Deeds of Variation

  • Explain how a Lasting Power of Attorney can be set up and administered

  • Explain the procedures and implications of being made bankrupt.

Our 2025 online revision programme is being co-ordinated by Dean Scott and L&D Digital Solutions. Any questions please email the Hants and Dorset PFS Regional Committee on

To view our image and video capture consent statement, please click here.

Please note: This event is a regional collaboration between the local institutes in the area. Your booking details will be shared with the Insurance Institute of Southampton, which is acting as the host institute for this event.