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WEBINAR - An Overview of Insurance Law - February 11th, 2025 at 12:00

  • Tue 11 Feb 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

In this webinar we will undertake a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of insurance law. From the duties and obligations of brokers, underwriters and policyholders, through to key legislation and case law that applies throughout client journey, from proposals and disclosure through to claims and payments. This webinar will be of great help to anyone working with in the insurance industry and especially anyone studying the CII´s MO5 module.

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WEBINAR: Why underinsurance in home contents is so prevalent, and practical tips/tools to address it, January 28th at 10am

  • Tue 28 Jan 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Rachel Doerr, Doerr Dallas Valuations

Underinsurance is a major issue in the industry – many reports suggest that around 2/3 of homes are underinsured. Unfortunately, the same is often true for the contents in those homes. Why is this, and what can the industry do about it? Who is it for? This webinar is for: - Brokers and insurers who handle home contents insurance for MNW and HNW clients. - Brokers and insurers who insure assets such as art, silverware, trophies and fine wine for commercial customers (e.g. restaurants, hotels, charities, sports clubs, oƯices) - Claims handlers and loss adjusters who want to understand what to look for in, and risks around, valuations with which they may be presented - Compliance teams considering how to ensure clients and policyholders get the information they need to make informed decisions, and that they are treated fairly

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Critical business interruption insurance learnings for brokers following the Infinity Reliance judgement - Wednesday 8 January 12-1pm

  • Wed 08 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler ACII

Critical business interruption insurance learnings for brokers following the Infinity Reliance judgement One of the most important judgements in recent times relating to Bi insurance was made in the Infinity Reliance case, and brokers who fail to change their proceedings risk large Pi claims against them going forward. This case has shown brokers are very exposed to the following three areas: 1. If indemnity wordings are used rather than declaration linked. 2. Any broker guidance note must reflect the actual policy wording. 3. AICOW must be discussed when there are unusual exposures. Average was applied by Aviva to the Bi claim following a large loss, and the broker was held liable for most of the shortfall, which was nearly £3m, due to their failure on the above three points. This webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, looks to understand how brokers are exposed following this judgement and how to take practical steps to ensure the right procedures to mitigate these exposures. This webinar is a must for all broking staff and has significant relevance for underwriters and claims staff also.

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What causes a market cycle and are we heading into a soft market in 2025? Tuesday 17 December 12-1pm

  • Tue 17 Dec 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Hard markets usually last around a maximum of three years and this latest one started in 2020. This presentation, delivered by Alan Chandler one of the UK’s most popular presenters, looks at what causes market cycles in the insurance industry and what is likely to occur in 2025. Alan correctly called the hard market in 2020, providing a presentation on the seven reasons why the market would harden. Rates have now got much higher; investment returns are now at very healthy levels and underwriting in the UK looks a lot better proposition than it did back in 2020. New entrants will be attracted to the market and existing players will look to expand capacity to take advantage of the current favourable investment conditions. Rates will not crumble over night, but Alan predicts 2025 will see a change in demand and supply, where Insurers will have to start having to fight more for business, and there will need to be a change in the way insurers operate, which may result in home working underwriters actually answering the phone to brokers! Alan will also explore how brokers and underwriters can be successful in a softening market. Brokers have a fiduciary duty, and this means insurers cannot ask brokers to be loyal without also providing genuine benefits at renewal for the policyholder. Whilst many people will not want to see the hard market end, history tells us it will, and not mentioning it will not stop a soft market cycle starting. This presentation will equip you for the change in the market that is on its way.

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Games and cocktails - Meet Your Committee/Council

  • Wed 11 Dec 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Meet your regional PFS Committee/your local CII council Pre Christmas meet up drinks, games and hot buffet Fully funded hot buffet, welcome drink and selection of cocktails/mocktails Taking place at Twist Cafe Bar, Plymouth Look out for your invitation by email

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Cert CII Training

  • Wed 11 Dec 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
    • Adrian Toomey ACII, Intuition Training

Funded Cert CII Tuition Starting Wednesday 18th Sept 2024 CALLING ALL MEMBERS OF PLYMOUTH & CORNWALL INSURANCE INSTITUTE! Are you enrolled onto a Cert unit but need some help with revision and study? If you are enrolled or plan to enrol onto a Cert CII unit, please check this upcoming programme of study support as it might be just the help you need to achieve your Cert CII.

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UnitedMind Laughter Yoga

  • Thu 05 Dec 11:00 am – 11:30 am

Join Lotte Mikkelsen, your everyday Laughter Queen for an online workshop. Who will be providing a personal laughter workshop. Participants often feel a strong sense of connection and team spirit at the end of each workshop. It provides renewed energy and focus, and "tools" that they can actively take away and use in their lives, both at work and at home. There is no doubt that the health benefits of laughter are extensive. Many diseases today are caused by stress and anxiety arising from conflict in the workplace, and by laughing we release natural chemicals into our body, which lower our stress levels and put us in a much more positive frame of mind, able to cope with work and life outside work.

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Dip CII Training

  • Wed 20 Nov 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Adrian Toomey ACII, Intuition Training

Funded Dip CII Tuition Starting Tuesday 17th Sept 2024 CALLING ALL MEMBERS OF PLYMOUTH & CORNWALL INSURANCE INSTITUTE! Are you enrolled onto a Dip CII unit but need some help with revision and study? If you are enrolled or plan to enrol onto a Dip CII unit, please check this upcoming programme of study support as it might be just the help you need to achieve your Dip CII.

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R04 Full Day Exam Revision Workshop

  • Tue 19 Nov 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • Webinar
    • Giles Hewitt, Hewitt Financial Training

This one day session aims to bring together all your learning from R04 into a live event focussing on key areas and where maximum marks can be gained in the exam. The session assumes the learner has studied R04 and is not new to these units and the aim is for the delegate to have increased confidence when taking the exam and a vastly increased chance of passing the exam.

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Annual Black Tie Dinner

  • Fri 08 Nov 7:00 pm – 12:30 am
  • Duke of Cornwall Hotel

Join us for our Annual Black Tie Event held at The Duke of Cornwall Hotel, there will be a 3 course meal, disco and raffles etc.

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ACII Training

  • Fri 08 Nov – Fri 22 Nov
    • Adrian Toomey ACII, Intuition Training

Funded ACII Tuition Starting Friday 8th November 2024 EXTREMELY LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE! Are you enrolled onto an ACII unit but need some help with revision and study? If you are enrolled or plan to enrol onto an ACII unit, please check this upcoming programme of study support as it might be just the help you need to achieve your Advanced Diploma.

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WEBINAR - A look at the Insurance Museum’s collections and how they tell the story of insurance, 25th July '24 at 10am

  • Thu 25 Jul 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Howard Benge, Insurance Museum

The Insurance Museum has a modest collection of items that stretch back to the 1650s. Join Howard Benge, Director of the Insurance Museum, to investigate these items in detail, how they help to tell the story of insurance and what other items the Insurance Museum will be using when it establishes a physical museum.

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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion includes everyone - Part 2

  • Fri 19 Jul 10:30 am – 11:30 am
  • Webinar
    • Holly, Belong HR

In part 2 of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion includes Everyone, Holly will discuss how words and actions create our culture.

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WEBINAR - The beginnings of Fire Insurance: the 17th and early 18th century fire insurance companies , 11th July '24 at 10am

  • Thu 11 Jul 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Howard Benge, Insurance Museum

Fire insurance was introduced by a property developer, just after the Great Fire of London. Dr Nicolas Barbon set up a scheme to cover his own business to protect it from fire, but soon extended the idea to extend it to anyone who owned a building. It was an immediate success. Join Howard Benge, Director of the Insurance Museum, to find out why was it so successful, what were his innovations and what happened in the years that followed. Presented by Howard Benge. Howard Benge is the Director of the Insurance Museum. He is a museum and heritage professional who specialises in public engagement, and over the past 25 years has worked at the City of London Corporation, National Trust and Imperial War Museum. He is Chairman of the Old Talbot House Foundation.

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WEBINAR - A quick history of insurance - 27th June '24 at 10am

  • Thu 27 Jun 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Howard Benge, The Insurance Museum

The history of insurance is very wide and very deep. You can trace it back into prehistory, but it was developed into something we would recognise as insurance, by the merchants of medieval Italy. Join Howard Benge, Director of the Insurance Museum, for an introduction to the history of insurance and discover how the Insurance Museum intends to engage with the public, schools and young people. Presented by Howard Benge. Howard Benge is the Director of the Insurance Museum. He is a museum and heritage professional who specialises in public engagement, and over the past 25 years has worked at the City of London Corporation, National Trust and Imperial War Museum. He is Chairman of the Old Talbot House Foundation.

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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion includes everyone - Part 1

  • Wed 26 Jun 10:30 am – 11:30 am
  • Webinar
    • Holly Edwards, Belong HR

In this 1 hour session, you will learn about the language of EDI and its importance in the workplace, a review of the Equality Act and its protected characteristics, Equality vs Equity along with the differences in inclusion and diversity.

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Annual Awards 2024

  • Thu 06 Jun – Sun 21 Jul

Our annual award ceremony is coming up and we would invite you to nominate someone who you feel deserves to be recognised

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Annual General Meeting

  • Thu 18 Apr 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

To all members of The Insurance Institute of Plymouth & Cornwall. Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Insurance Institute of Plymouth & Cornwall will be held on 18th April at 5pm

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WEBINAR: Professional Indemnity Session - 2:30pm 20th March

  • Wed 20 Mar 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
    • Diane Jenkins BA(Hons), ACII, Chartered Insurance Broker, Nick Thomas and Associates

This session will provide an outline of professional indemnity insurance cover and market issues. • How professional liability arises • Professional indemnity policy o claims made considerations o specialist policies • Market issues

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Joint Professions’ Networking Group - Face to Face Event March 2024 - Booking details below

  • Tue 19 Mar 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
  • Courtyard by Marriot Sandy Park
    • Don Armand, Sampson Armand Ltd

The Joint Professions’ Networking Group (JPNG) is a group of professional organisations, drawn from around the region, offering an opportunity to meet and forge genuine connections with fellow professionals in a social environment. The group was formed in 2009, with 14 professional member organisations, with a mix of lawyers, accountants, surveyors, property professionals, members of insurance, banking and investment sectors, and directors. This is a networking and CPD event arranged by JPNG and suitable for all PFS and CII professionals to attend. See ticket prices and event details.

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