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An Introduction to Cyber Insurance
Cyber risk is a growing issue for all businesses, so brokers and insurers need to understand the risks and insurance cover available. No two cyber policies are the same so this can be a complex area for insurers, brokers, and their clients to understand the cover offered. This session reviews the cyber risk insurance solutions available in this rapidly changing class. It includes: Coverage found in a typical cyber policy – data breach, BI, cyber liability, cyber-crime, issues of retro dates, social engineering limitations, industrial control systems, definition of BI indemnity periods and limit calculation. Market developments - hardening of rates, additional security and protection requirement, ransom payment issues., concern about group actions, implications of Lloyd v Google Supreme Court action. Market innovation - parametric, stand-alone breach support, wrap policies, industry specific policies.
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Hard Talk: how to communicate with customers about price rises and other impacts of a hard market
As we enter a hard market, so our conversations with clients become harder. Trying to communicate price rises and potentially narrower cover creates significant challenges, and if not handled well, can significantly impact the relationship with customers not only now but in the future. This webinar will provide you with communication strategies that will enable you to communicate with clients in a way that keeps them onboard now and for the future.
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Christmas Quiz and Cocktails 2021
Tis the season to be jolly! Join us for a virtual Christmas Quiz and Cocktails! 20 December 2021 at 5pm For cocktails, = required £2 donation for our chosen Homeless Charities - St Petrocs and Shekinah, and then we will send out some cocktails to you! To make the donation, please visit RSVP by 6th December
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FCA’s new supervision strategy for GI brokers
In the FCA’s Dear CEO letter of 4 September 2020 they set out a new supervision strategy for GI brokers as they believe customers are buying unsuitable or poor value products and that insufficient or unclear information is being provided at point of sale and inappropriate sales tactics are the biggest contributors of customer harm. Whilst the letter covers everything below the one hour event will focus on the following:- 1. Firms’ response to covid; 2. Governance and oversight; 3. Bedding in of SMCR to incl Conduct Rules for all staff; 4. Incentive arrangements incl remuneration for firm and staff; 5. Business models incl distribution chains, product oversight and design, sales and renewals, conflicts of interest and ARs; 6. Uncertainty brought about by the BI court case and handling of claims, complaints and ongoing communications; With new requirements around vulnerable customers, pricing and consumer duty it is clear that a lot more work is to come for brokers and insurers alike.
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The Court of Cards: the Supreme Court, Casinos & Insurance Fraud
It feels like the law relating to insurance fraud is in constant motion. The courts have been grappling with tests such as “fundamental dishonesty”. But could it be that a case involving alleged cheating in a game of baccarat in a casino in London has brought some clarity to how the courts will deal with the test of fundamental dishonesty in insurance claims?
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Cii Examination techniques
Overview This three hour workshop (which will include a break) will aid all those who are taking CII or PFS examinations. It is a generic overview delivered by Alan Chandler, who is one of the most popular insurance presenters in the UK, and who has been both tutor and examiner for many different CII subjects. This interactive course will deal with how to impress the examiner, looking at the different examination terminology and what the examiner expects when they use key phrases. The workshop will explore a range of study techniques to see which ones are most appropriate for you, as well as looking at how to time manage both in respect of revision and the actual exam.
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RESCHEDULED TO 23/11 Joint Professions’ Networking Group - Bank of England update & Virtual Networking Event
The Joint Professions’ Networking Group (JPNG) is a group of professional organisations, drawn from around the region, offering an opportunity to meet and forge genuine connections with fellow professionals in a social environment. The group was formed in 2009, with 14 professional member organisations, with a mix of lawyers, accountants, surveyors, directors and property professionals, as well as members of the banking, insurance and investment sectors. This is a networking and CPD event arranged by JPNG and suitable for all PFS and CII professionals to attend.
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For Better or for Worse: cases that shaped our professional lives
This thought-provoking session will provide an insight into some of the more bizarre cases that have had an impact on the insurance industry, from the curious case of the snail in the ginger beer bottle, through to cannibals in a boat and many more. It will focus on how these cases have thrown up the practical and ethical issues the law has grappled with and how ultimately this has impacted on the evolution of the insurance industry over the years. This is a must for anyone with an interest in the historical development of the insurance industry and how it adapts to judicial decisions.
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WEBINAR: Restoring Trust in Insurance by Improving Customer Service
Overview of presentation At a time when the public image of insurance has never been in a more intensive spotlight, this webinar looks at the importance of customer service, both within the profession and to the outside world. Poor service is guaranteed to alienate customers at the best of times and recent events in the insurance world have served only to magnify problems in the eyes of many customers. With almost 50 years of insurance experience to draw on, Bernard Thornton looks at how businesses and individuals can distinguish themselves from the standard perceptions, using time-honoured principles of customer service and applying them to the modern-day technical world of insurance. Case studies and examples are included to bring the principles to life.
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The Inner Game of Leadership - Insights from Neuroscience **LIVE with Tom Flatau**
At a time where we're all trying to figure out how best use our limited brain power for the most good, it's more crucial than ever before that leaders don't get caught up in myths and misconceptions. The past year shifted everyone’s expectations: People don’t want to go back to pre-pandemic norms. Companies who want to attract and retain top talent must look forward to an entirely new way of working: a flexible model that fundamentally reimagines not just where but also when and how people work. This soft skills CPD event is suitable for all CII & PFS members
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WEBINAR - Understanding Personal Lines Claims Handling
This webinar delivered by Alan Chandler one of the leading presenters in the UK looks at what a personal line claims handler would look for in the event of a claim. The webinar explores the importance of early notification of claim by the policyholder, what information a Personal Lines claims handler will typically seek and when they will use an outsourcer. The presentation will also explore the insurers obligations under the Enterprise Act 2016 and why they must settle promptly and finally we will explore when a policyholder can approach the FOS over a claim
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A Guide to Understanding Policy Wordings
Recent litigation has demonstrated the importance of understanding the policy contract wording. This webinar explains how policy wordings are constructed and may be interpreted
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FCA’s NEW GI Pricing Practices, Product Governance and Product Value Webinar
The FCA has published the long-awaited policy statement General insurance pricing practices market study – Feedback to CP20/19 and final rules (PS21/5). These wide-ranging rules address what has been described as the ‘loyalty penalty’ paid by existing general insurance product customers and aim to ensure that customers receive fair value in the insurance products they buy.
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Webinar: An Introduction to Parametric Insurance
This introduction to parametric insurance is an excellent opportunity for delegates to develop their understanding of this type of insurance. Parametric insurance is not new but is being developed for SMEs and provides options for previously uninsurable risk, such as flood. • What is parametric insurance? Various product examples, and how they can be utilised • How parametric solutions differ from other insurance solutions • The potential of parametric solutions for SMEs
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Plymouth Fireworks Championship Boat Cruise
Join us on the Plymouth Venturer for a great night of unrivalled views of the first displays! This event is open to your friends and family too The boat is fully equipped with a licensed bar and toilet facilities, heated saloon area and comfortable seating. There is also plenty of room to stroll around the open front, rear and large upper deck. Prices; Adult: £15 Child 5 - 15: £10 Child under 5: Free Please note that this event is non refundable. If you are unable to attend on the day, tickets are transferrable upon prior agreement with us. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Snacks and refreshments will be available to be purchased from the onboard bar. To make payment, please send the payment via bank transfer using the details below and putting your full name followed by fireworks as the reference: Account Name: THE INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF PLYMOUTH AND CORNWALL SORT CODE: 20-68-15 ACCOUNT NO: 23555798
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Establishing Priorities and Boundaries
Are you finding yourself time poor at the moment? Are you struggling to know what to prioritize in both the short and the long term? Would you like some help in dealing with the challenging behaviour you may be experiencing from clients?
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Webinar - How Liability can arise in tort
How Liability can arise in tort We sell many different liability insurance policies to customers every day; Motor, Employers Liability, Public Liability, Products liability, D&O, Professional Indemnity, Cyber Liability and more - what are we protecting the customers against, well it is largely being protected against being sued in the law of tort. Therefore, brokers, underwriters and claims staff alike should understand the law of tort, as failure to understand this means protections may be inadequate and a fair presentation of risk may not occur. This webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, will in Alan's usual plain English way provide an overview of the law of tort. All the main torts will be explored: negligence, nuisance, trespass, defamation, strict liability, statutory liability, and vicarious liability. Alan will include the main case law that applies to each tort and importantly he will make this very practical by explaining how your customers could be sued in each one of these torts, with practical examples, so that a good understanding of these torts can be achieved resulting in better presentations of risk by brokers, and more accurate underwriting and claims handling by insurers. This webinar will be suitable for brokers, underwriters and claims staff as well as anyone studying for MO5 insurance law. Learning Objectives Delegates will be able to: • Understand how the law of tort applies to insurance covers. • Understand the main principles and case law behind negligence, nuisance, trespass, defamation, strict liability, statutory liability, and vicarious liability. • Be able to explain to policyholders how they could be sued in the law of tort.
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