CPN Webinar: The Truth About Stress

Tuesday, 12 January 2021
10:00 am – 11:00 am (UK time)
    • Clare Downham, Your Wellbeing Guide

How to take managing stress off your to-do list for you and your team

Statistics say that stress causes or contributes to 70% of illness! In recent years, tackling this has become a priority for many businesses. The realisation that absenteeism, staff turnover and presenteeism are affecting our businesses’ bottom lines has led a search for the answer to how to reduce the stress of our workforce.

But what if our attempts to manage stress were making things worse? What if, the whole basis on which we have built our stress management systems has been built on a misunderstanding of what is at the root cause of stress.

This webinar will reveal the truth about stress; where it comes from, what is going on in your body and mind and how little we need to ‘do’ to feel better. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to take stress-management off your to-do list and be able to start doing the same for your team.

Speaker Biography
Clare was a Headteacher when, in March 2015, she walked out of work and never went back. A year after burning out, she resigned from her 20-year career in education and began her journey to be ‘Your Wellbeing Guide’.

For the last 4 years, Clare has been helping individuals and teams manage stress. Focusing on using tools and techniques like Hypnotherapy, NLP, Mindfulness and Traditional Coaching, her workshop, ‘Stress to Success Habits’ gave participants a set of tools and techniques to help them manage stress.

Over that time, Clare became increasingly disillusioned with this way of helping people. It seemed that ‘managing stress’ was not the answer as it appeared to increase the things people needed to do. As Clare was having this realisation, she came upon the truth of how human experience is created which she now shares with individuals and in workshops.

This understanding has transformed the way Clare helps people both individually and in teams. Her focus now is on delivering powerful sessions which help to reduce the amount people have on their minds rather than add more.

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