Tue 21 Feb. 2017

Have you thought about Insurance Charities?

All I ask is that you take 2 mins to skim read this article and whether you are an employer or colleague, please put Insurance Charities into your mind. One day, someone you know may have suffered an unforeseen, unexpected or unplanned event that in a very small way you may be able to help them with. All you need to say is “have you thought about Insurance Charities?” and pass on my details.

I absolutely promise you that locally and nationally Insurance Charities makes a significant difference to people’s lives. The very nature of the role means that we do not shout about our successes, we can’t; but privately the joy or the simple relief that we are able to offer is reward in itself.

The Insurance Charities gives vital financial and practical help to many past and present employees of the insurance industry, be it one off or on-going financial support and advice.

You do not need to be a CII member to apply

Eligibility is normally based around the following, but if you are unsure, then please ask:

  • Past and present insurance employee with significant service in UK or Irish insurance industry (normally at least 5 years in recent past or prior to retirement). This includes financial services businesses
  • Dependant of a current or former insurance employee
  • Restricted financial means in terms of income and capital
  • Suffered an element of misfortune

At the start of Pete Willcocks presidential year he selected Insurance Charities as his nominated charity. This has meant that that with his help and throughout his term of office Leicester Institute has contributed in excess of £1,000 to the overall donations. As importantly, this endorsement helps raise the profile of what is a hidden gem of a resource to us and our profession.

We are now asking for your help in spreading the word with you colleagues; please do not let someone miss out on what could potentially be life-changing support, however big or small.

For any further information or assistance, please contact (in confidence):

Sue Banbury - Leicester Insurance Charites Representative – 0796 1564749 – sdb16@le.ac.uk
or visit: https://www.theinsurancecharities.org.uk

Sue Banbury