
Insurance Charities Awareness Week - how will you get involved?

Tue 9 May 2023

The Insurance Charities wants to ensure no insurance employee who is struggling misses out on the financial and practical support it can offer. As we all experience the sharp rise in cost of living, the Charity’s support may be needed now more than ever. We hope that you and your employer will get involved and help spread the word during the dedicated campaign week.

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Fri 28 Apr. 2023

Ahead of us announcing Stephen White's plans for his Presidential year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on one of the highlights from Sue Hull's year - and there are many!

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CII Leicester Publishes Annual Reports!

Fri 21 Apr. 2023

View our Annual Reports & Find Out How to Attend our AGM

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Coming Soon! 'Powered by the Industrial Revolution' the latest Insurance Museum online exhibition

Mon 17 Apr. 2023

Coming Soon! 'Powered by the Industrial Revolution' the latest Insurance Museum online exhibition

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The Insurance Charities – providing a lifeline in troubled waters

Fri 17 Mar. 2023

Each year The Insurance Charities supports hundreds of insurance employees and their families in times of need. It can transform lives for the better and provide an essential lifeline for as long as it’s needed.

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