
The Insurance Institute of Northern Ireland has a number of committees who all work hard to provide a full membership proposition to individuals who work within the insurance and financial services profession across Northern Ireland.

Directly aligned to the main Committee, the CPD Committee develops a full annual programme of activity to accommodate the educational and CPD needs of members of the committee who work across the general insurance and financial service markets. The committee’s educational series of seminars and workshops aim to support our members’ professional development and career progression. The committee constantly strives to find speakers knowledgeable on issues that are of educational and topical interest. Contact Name: Jackie McGirr.

The Emerging Professionals Group aims to promote the CII and the Insurance Institute of Northern Ireland to people new to the industry; this is achieved through a number of networking events and study sessions that the group organise on a regular basis. Contact Name: Liam Foley.

For the Charities Committee, please contact Ashley Murphy.

The Education Committee supports and promotes educational standards at a local level - the principal event in the committee’s year is always the Annual Awards Ceremony which is held in June and celebrates local successes. Contact: Tammy Gamble.

If you are interested in becoming involved in these committees, or indeed the wider council, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with the President.