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SURE: a new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice
We naturally ask the client if there is anything they didn´t understand and often, the client replies “No”. Or we ask if everything was clear and the client answers “Yes”. But can we rely on these answers as being an accurate reflection of whether the client truly has listened to and understood that advice? The answer is NO!! That is why, in this webinar, Jeff Heasman will outline his SURE technique for insurance and financial services professionals, based on concept checking, a method traditionally used in language teaching.
View event detailsRO2 (Investment Principles and Risk) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 1st November 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO2 examination.
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DAY 1 (Financial services, regulation and ethics) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 18th October 2022 - online distance learning event
RO1 Day 1 (Financial services, regulation and ethics) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 18th October 2022 The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey and Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO1 examination.
View event detailsCelebrating our Differences
Do we stop to consider what it is like to be us, and recognise how we can celebrate the difference in all of us? Learn how we can become self-aware of our own behaviours and enrich our perspectives and views of others. In this interactive and engaging session, Joanne Lockwood speaks about what you can do right now to step up and step in to celebrating the differences in all of us and the strength it brings.
View event detailsRO4 (Pensions and Retirement Planning) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 4th October 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO4 examination.
View event detailsRO2 (Investment Principles and Risk) Pre Exam Training, Thursday 29th September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO2 examination.
View event detailsRO5 Financial Protection - Thursday 29th September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO5 examination.
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RO1 (Financial services, regulation and ethics) Pre Exam Training, Wednesday 28th September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey and Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO1 examination.
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RO3 (Personal Taxation) Pre Exam Training, Monday 26th September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Surrey & Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the RO3 examination. This event will be run as an Online Distance Learning event.
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Cancelled - D&I and Sustainability Conference September 22nd 2022
Sorry but this event has had to be cancelled
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Quantum & Delay: Scope, cost, methodology and duration of building repairs
The scope and methodology of building repairs directly impacts the cost and duration of any repair. This webinar will look at how we assess these, as well as provide some case examples.
View event detailsRO6 (Financial Planning Practice) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 20th September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey and Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a ‘distance learning’ training day via an online and interactive conference video facility for those members who are studying for and taking the RO6 examination.
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Qualification pathway to ACII
Fast track your future. This session is intended for anyone currently studying a CII general insurance qualification at any level up to ACII. The focus of the content will be on what comes next after the CERT, with particular emphasis on coursework.
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AF5 (Financial Planning Process) Pre-Exam Training, Monday 5th September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey and Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised an online ‘distance learning’ training day for those members who are studying for and taking the AF5 examination on 13th September 2022.
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AF7 (Pension Transfers) Pre-exam Training Friday 2nd September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey and Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the AF7 examination. This event will be run as an Online Distance Learning event.
View event detailsJO5 (Pension Income Options) Pre Exam Training, Thursday 1st September 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Surrey & Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the JO5 examination. This event will be run as an Online Distance Learning event. The cost of the day’s training will be £99 for Hants & Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey PFS members and £99 for all other PFS members and £109 for non-PFS members.
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Financial Service Revision Courses 2022
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised the following online distance learning revision courses below for Q3 and Q4 2022. Please check our website – the Insurance Institute of Southampton Forthcoming events ( or the PFS Regional website Hants & Dorset – PFS Regional updates ( for our programme of events.
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JO2 (Trusts) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 30th August 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Surrey & Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the JO2 examination. This event will be run as an Online Distance Learning event. The cost of the day’s training will be £99 for Hants & Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey PFS members and £99 for all other PFS members and £109 for non-PFS members
View event detailsAF4 (Investment Planning) Pre-Exam Training, 2 Day Course - Monday 22nd August & Friday 26th August 2022 - online distance learning event
The Personal Finance Society Hants & Dorset, Surrey and Thames Valley Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a training day for those members who are studying for and taking the AF4 examination. As AF4 is a large topic to cover, the training has been split into Day 1 and Day 2 to fully cover the subjects involved. Delegates are advised to attend both sessions.
View event detailsJ12 (Securities Advice & Dealing) Pre Exam Training, Tuesday 2nd August 2022 - Online Distance Learning Event
The Personal Finance Society Hants and Dorset, Thames Valley and Surrey Regional Committees in association with the Insurance Institutes of Bournemouth, Guildford, Reading and Southampton have organised a ‘distance learning’ training day via an online and interactive conference video facility for those members who are studying for and taking the J12 examination.
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