President's Message

- Theresa Atal
- President
I am honoured and privileged to be elected to serve as the latest President of the Insurance Institute of Exeter. I believe I am the first PFS member of the Institute to be elected President.
I would like to thank Claire Lashbrook for her leadership and dedication during the very challenging last three years, throughout Covid 19 and beyond which has further strengthened and enhanced what we can do for you, our members, even when traditional ways of meeting were not available, and I am very much looking forward to bring the Insurance institute of Exeter back to pre Covid conditions.
I became involved in the Insurance Institute of Exeter several years ago as I felt a PFS presence was needed on Council to ensure all members of the Exeter Institute benefited from the activities and events that we arrange. As the Professional Qualifications officer on the PFS Exeter & North Devon Regional Committee I am very keen that all our members can get the best experience from their CII membership and I am hoping to continue to build bridges with the PFS members in our region.
During the coming year, we will:
- Continue to deliver an engaging quality event programme of CPD events for both our CII and PFS members, promoting the benefits of professional qualifications for all.
These include:
- Technical and regulatory seminars, and training courses.
- Social and networking activities.
- Community engagement initiatives.
Our local institute events tend to range from one-hour seminars to half day training courses covering a variety of technical and soft skill subjects.
- Encourage and support our younger members more and encourage them to play an active role in the institute and wider community. We have a new Committee for the New Professionals Group being led by Sam Bennett.
- Work with local educational bodies and other liked minded organisations to promote what we do, encourage more networking and continue to offer active support.
All of these events can count towards your CPD requirements and needs.
We communicate with our membership through the distribution of regular e-flyers so please ensure that we have your correct email address which you can check by logging on to the main CII website at or join our Insurance Institute of Exeter group on LinkedIn.
I hope you will also want to play an active role in what we do, remembering everything we do is for the benefit of our members, our industry and the wider community.