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November Lunch
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey would be delighted to welcome you to an afternoon lunch at Les Cotils, commencing at 12pm on Tuesday 19th November 2024. Julie-Anne Headington will be in attendance as speaker, to discuss the “Expectation Gap”, sustainability in loss adjusting arising from what policyholders expect and what is actually covered.
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In the Mood for Food
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey and The Insurance Institute of Jersey would like you to join them for their joint webinar on how food can impact your mood. Although your brain is only 2% of your body weight, it consumes 20% of the calories you eat.
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Insurance Institute of Guernsey Annual Dinner 2024
UPDATED: Photos of the event are now LIVE! On behalf of the Insurance Institute of Guernsey, our Annual Dinner will take place at the St Pierre Park Hotel on Friday 18th October 2024. This year is the 40th anniversary of the IIG in Guernsey and we are going to be making it spectacular for all Guests! The event this year is ‘Ruby Theme’ and we therefore invite guests to dress accordingly. To keep the event as flexible and open as possible, black tie or business attire and dinner dresses will be acceptable, as per last year. As this is the 40th Anniversary of the IIG in Guernsey, we have booked and brought over Comedian – Lloyd Griffith! He is currently on his own tour at the moment, and continues to tour with Jack Whitehall!
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IIG Insurance Development Day 2024
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey is holding its Insurance Development Morning at Old Government House on Tuesday 8 October. Registration is open now!
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A Plain English Introduction to Engineering Insurance/Inspection & Contractors Insurance
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey is holding the above event with speaker Alan Chandler. The talk is an hour and a half with the ability to network following the talk. The event will be presented in two parts - Part One: A Plain English Introduction to Engineering insurance and inspection, and Part Two: A plain English overview of contractors insurance. Please contact Lauren Gregory, Vice President and Education Secretary to register & book your place. Places are limited.
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Certificate in Insurance IF1 Training Day 2024
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey is holding an IF1 training provided by trainer Alan Chandler for those studying the certificate in insurance at Les Cotils on Friday, 20 September 2024. Alan will guide you through all the IF1 content during the day and will use his experience and enthusiastic presenting style to create relevant plain English examples to equip all the delegates to pass IF1.
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2024 Inter Insular Football & Netball - Guernsey Vs Jersey - Save The Date
14th September 2024 has been booked for our Guernsey representatives to head over to Jersey and battle to retain our status as the Inter Insular Football & Netball champions! The Venue will be the Les Quennevais Sports Centre, St Brelade, Jersey, JE3 8LZ. If you are interested in playing either game this year please contact Samantha Tostevin ( Jersey will be desperate to get at least one if not both trophies back - lets not let them have either!
View event detailsFinancial Stress & Mental Health
Financial strain is recognised as being one of the key stress factors for adults, and it can be a major risk factor for poor mental health. It is not uncommon for people to neglect their mental health, specifically when they are experiencing financial stress. This can lead to significant problems in the long term and even worsen the existing financial stress. In this session, we will explore the relationship between financial stress and health - and attendees will leave with practical tools to help them combat financial stress, and stay well.
View event detailsJune IIG Dinner Seminars
The IIG would be delighted to welcome you to Les Cotils for an evening in good company with your fellow insurance sector colleagues on Monday 24 June 2024. From 17:30 you will be welcomed to gather at the venue near the bar, before Richard Headington of CI Adjusters delivers a presentation on the impact of Storm Ciaran at 18:00. There will be time for a one course dinner at 18:45 before Howard Benge, Director of the Insurance Museum, delivers a presentation on the history of insurance at 19:15. The evening is expected to come to a close at 20:00.
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Talking is good for us. We all know that and yet some of us find it hard to talk about how we feel, especially when we aren’t feeling good. This session is aimed at men and those who would like to support the men in their lives. The aim of the session is to shine a light on why some men find it difficult to open up, to explore ways to support men when they are struggling and to share some alternative ways to process difficult stuff, for those who really don’t like talking. In this interactive session, attendees will develop an understanding of some of the challenges facing men today and will take away some helpful ways to support men (or themselves) through difficult times.
View event detailsGo-Karting Endurance Race!
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey would be delighted to welcome you and your colleagues to a corporate karting endurance race, which is scheduled to take place on Friday 31 May 2024. We encourage teams of 3 to 4 racers to sign up, wherein each racer will then get to contribute 15-20 minutes of pedal-to-the-metal action for the glory of their team!
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Happiness at Work
Mental Health in Business believes that happiness at work should be a top priority for all organisations, big and small, national and international. That’s why they have developed this session, especially for the International Happiness at Work Week (23 – 27 September, 2024), the International Week of Happiness at Work.
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Cert CII Fast Track Remote Learning Programme
The Insurance Institutes of the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, are delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Certificate in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Cert CII in 14 weeks through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.
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Diploma in Insurance Online Training Programme
The Insurance Institutes of the Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man and Northern Ireland, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Diploma in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Dip CII in 15 months through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.
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Annual General Meeting 2024
Can you IIG? Yes You Can! Your local institute council invites you to attend their 2024 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members for the forthcoming year. If you feel you could make a positive contribution to your institute, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved. Book your place today!
View event detailsInsurance Institute of Guernsey Annual Quiz 2024
The annual quiz night will be held on Thursday 28th March 2024 at St Pierre Park Hotel, starting at 6.30pm prompt. A raffle will be held while the final scores are being counted with proceeds going to Autism Guernsey and the Insurance Charities. Please note the increased cost from previous years, which is due to the rising cost to facilitate the evening. Any donations for the raffle would be greatly appreciated and confirmation of raffle donations should be emailed to Jodie Moore ( Entry fees will be £24 per person (in teams of 6) to include a Ploughman’s Supper
View event detailsMarch IIG Dinner & Breakfast Seminars
The IIG is delighted to welcome Branko Bjelobaba to Guernsey on 20 and 21 March, where he will deliver two seminars to attendees. Branko is an award-winning professional within the insurance sector, specialising in delivering engaging and relatable talks on the regulatory and compliance topics and challenges the insurance sector is facing. If you would like to reserve your place, the seminars are now open for booking up until 19th March 2024. The two seminars Branko will deliver are: Consumer Duty & Multi-Occupancy Buildings Insurance Global Risks facing the Insurance Industry
View event detailsJanuary Lunch
Victoria Sutton and Joy Thornicroft of the Insurance Charities will be joining us as speakers at the January's lunch. Each year, the Insurance Charities help hundreds of current and former insurance employees and their families in times of need. It can help with one-off payments, such as household repairs, provide on-going financial assistance and give practical support to those with health, money, and housing concerns. Working throughout the UK and Ireland, it gave out over £1.3 million in 2022/2023. It understands adversity can affect anyone and turn their life upside down and wants to make sure no insurance employee in need of its support misses out.
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Cert CII Fast Track Remote Learning Programme
The Insurance Institutes of the South, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Certificate in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Cert CII in 14 weeks through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.
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Diploma in Insurance Online Training Programme
The Insurance Institutes of the South, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Diploma in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Dip CII in 15 months through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.
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