Tue 22 Mar. 2022

Isle of Man Raises £2K for Charity

The Isle of Man institute was happy to welcome members back to its annual dinner in March hosted by President Gill Marples and sponsored by Zurich and Tower Insurance.

The dinner, which was attended by over 100 members, was held at the Claremont Hotel and featured speeches from Gill Marples as President, her Deputy President John Walker, the CIIs Vice President for Local Institutes David Ross, and Chief Minister Alfred Cannan.

Mr Ross spoke about the importance of the local institute network and how the work being undertaken by the Insurance Institute of the Isle of Man helps develop membership engagement in order to push our profession forward. Chief minister Alfred Cannan raised the importance of the role the insurance sector will play in achieving the new Island Plan which aims to build a secure, vibrant & sustainable future for the Island community.

Two charities were supported on the night - the Insurance Charities and the Manx Heart Foundation and : raising over £1000 for each charity.

The Insurance Charities provides support for current and former insurance employees and their dependants. The Manx Heart Foundation helps enable the best cardiac care possible for Manx residents and have recently agreed to purchase the latest GE Vivid E95 Echo System for use at Nobles Hospital.

Dr Mark Hall Consultant Cardiologist at Nobles Hospital said: ‘The purchase will allow the cardiology department to obtain and share high quality cardiac images which will improve patient care. Without the Manx Heart Foundation and the support of dinner such as the Isle of Man annual dinner we would not have been able to obtain such a high specification machine’