Tue 31 Jan. 2023
CII Apprenticeship Awards

The CII Apprenticeship Awards celebrate the achievements of exceptional apprentices from across the UK in seven categories.
The cash prize for each award is funded by the Education and Training Trust.
Nominations open on February 6, 2023, and close May 12 2023.
Apprenticeship Award Categories
Financial Services
- Financial Services Administrator Apprentice of the Year – Level 3 (£500)
- Mortgage Adviser Apprentice of the Year – Level 3 (£500)
- Paraplanner Apprentice of the Year – Level 4 (£600)
- Financial Adviser Apprentice of the Year – Level 4 (£800)
General Insurance
- Insurance practitioner Apprentice of the Year – Level 3 (£500)
- Insurance professional Apprentice of the Year – Level 4 (£800)
- Senior insurance professional Apprentice of the Year – Level 6 (£1000)
Who can apply?
- The CII Apprenticeship Awards are open to all apprentices in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales that meet the criteria.
- CII qualifications must have been completed as part of the apprenticeship standards and frameworks
- Nominations are welcome from employers, training providers and apprentices themselves
How will they be judged?
The CII Apprenticeship Awards are decided through several stages:
- All applications are sifted to find the highest scoring category entrants for each standard
- These proceed to judging panels who deicide category finalists.
- Completed a CII qualification as part of an apprenticeship standard or framework
- Passed overall apprenticeship standard or framework
- In 1000 words – explain how your nominee has made positive contribution in their careers, to their profession and the wider society whilst completing an Insurance or Financial Services apprenticeship in the last 3 years up to December 31, 2022:
o Quantifiable accomplishment
o Creativity & Innovation
o Standards, Professionalism & Trust
Enter now https://forms.office.com/e/Dawu1bV2Lk