Fri 11 Nov. 2016

Faultless Leader - CPD Masterclass

For three hours Paul’s thought provoking, highly interactive session showed delegates how close or how far they were away from being a Faultless Leader.
Paul taught delegates how to remember 21 items by visualising and using pictures.
David and Victoria Beckham in a white Roll Royce towing a caravan enabled delegates to remember and recall all 21 items in the space of ten minutes. For those with failing memories this technique is a must learn.

Delegates, with the aid of Pareto’s 80/20 rule, were shown how to make themselves, or their team 16 times more productive. Understanding the importance and the power of empowerment showed delegates how to improve accountability of themselves and their teams. Paul used the “success triangle “ to illustrate how attitudes can affect the outcome of change and why expanding your comfort zone is so important to growth and development of teams , companies and individuals. Using “break through” ensured delegates and their teams continually improved their performance.

One delegate said “the content was interesting and useful. The course host, Paul Reynolds was engaging and made the topic (and even the dreaded interactive content) enjoyable”.

We may not be Faultless Leaders but we are now nearer than we were before.

Marj Murphy, Press and Publicity Officer