Thu 15 Dec. 2016

Financial Liverpool Christmas Lunch

After a delicious Xmas lunch and a glass or two of wine, members and guests of Financial Liverpool and the Insurance Institute of Liverpool Council were given an enlightening and thought-provoking overview of recent changes to Pensions. Yes, Pensions can be interesting!

Now Director of Policy at Royal London, Steve explained how he implemented major reforms to the State Pension system, introduced Automatic Enrolment and played a key role in the Pension Freedoms implemented in April 2015 (don’t mention Lamborghini’s though!). His talk was candid and very amusing and it was a pleasure to have such a hugely progressive, passionate expert industry figure give us his time.

Keith Marshall, Chair, presented a cheque from Financial Liverpool for £1,500 to John McCormack of the baby hospice charity, Zoë’s Place. John explained how Zoë’s Place helps infants who have life threatening or life-limiting conditions, and their families, by providing 24 hour respite, palliative and end of life care in a caring, safe, home-from-home environment. Guests also raised £310 in net donations for Zoë’s Place on the day.

The festivities wound up with a fun, seasonal Quiz compiled by “Santa’s reindeer”, Carly Dunningham and Julie Calvert, who are active IIL Council and Financial Liverpool Committee members.

Much praise was given for the event, and not all down to the fine wine consumed on the day!

“It was a really good event, everything was perfect in my opinion.”

“A really good event, fine food, an entertaining speaker and good company”