Thu 16 Nov. 2017

Woodchurch Academy Careers Day

Was it the scintillating conversation or the wonderful institute gifts that drew students to the CII stand at Woodchurch Academy?

On the 16 November 2017, Charles Hurst and Marj Murphy represented the Liverpool Institute at Woodchurch’s annual careers day.

Despite the competition from 5 sports career stands, 1 stand with a stuffed dog and a mannequin with a peacock blue tutu, Charles and Marj were able to attract a large number of students. They actually ran out of mini torches and most pens and the Chartered Insurance Apprenticeship booklets had to be rationed!

Marj and Charles said they were inspired by the number of students who attended the event and were amazed at the number of very diverse courses that were available from veterinary studies and theatre lighting, to the more academic. There was lots of interest in careers in IT. One customer took a booklet and had a chat as her sister was changing vocation from teaching to accountancy and was very interested in accountancy positions in insurance companies. Her sister was the grand old age of 30.

Marj, Charles and the Liverpool Insurance Institute wish the students and their families the very best of luck in their future careers and their GCSE studies.