Fri 5 Jul. 2019

2019 Careers Event

A record number of approx. 80 students from high schools and sixth form colleges in the Merseyside area signed up to the annual LII Careers Day on 4th July. Given our limited resource to be able to go in to individual schools to discuss the insurance and financial sectors, this is the LII’s way of being able to target as many schools as possible, and to promote the many benefits of a career in these sectors. Judging by the attendance and feedback, the event appears to be as popular as ever.
After an introduction from our President Emma Lynch about why insurance and financial matters are relevant to students, both now and in the future, the morning was taken up by the attendees participating in the CII ‘Discover Risk’ and ‘Discover Fortune’ exercises. A healthy level of debate was certainly generated around the tables as students had to decide how money should be invested in various scenarios, and assess the likelihood and impact of risks occurring in various situations from film production to the music industry. Even those initially reticent were, as the exercises developed, keen to reason with their colleagues as to why their assessment was more likely to be correct.
After a hearty lunch, those present were able to hear a number of insightful presentations including from Kelsey Pyne at G&A about her experiences as an apprentice, and Clare Connor of RSA imparting top tips for the application process and how to maximise the chances of being selected. The graduate route was also explained by Greg Winter of Pavis who also shared his experiences.
To round off the day, a number of volunteers from the insurance, financial and legal sectors spent time sitting with the students around the tables, answering their questions on a one to one basis (everything from ‘what do you earn’, to ‘what are the best and worst things about your job’) – something which those attending really benefitted from.
Huge thanks must go to everyone who helped organise this time-consuming but worthwhile event, in particular Tracey Fisher, Emma Lynch, Carly Dunningham, Helen Thomas, Paul Clarke and Tracy O’Connell. Special thanks too to those firms who supported by enabling volunteers to attend, such as RSA, Pavis, Financial Planning Corporation, Barnett Waddingham, Rathbones, and Weightmans LLP. We are only able to host this event with their support, and we hope we can count on it again next year.
Our ability to promote careers in our professions is entirely dependent on resource. With more people interested, we could look at undertaking some sort of school or college outreach programme. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us at

Peter Forshaw