Fri 29 Sep. 2017

Learning from mistakes

It’s in our DNA to make mistakes – we are only human!

On the 27the September Hugh Murray of Bradbury Scott Ltd reassured 10 members of the Liverpool Insurance Institute that although we all make mistakes, it’s in our DNA, there is hope. Hugh said that as humans what we can do is to control how we deal with the consequences of our mistake. What can we do to ensure that we not only learn by our mistakes but also try and ensure our colleagues do not make the same mistakes!
For the following three hours Hugh’s thought provoking and highly informative session showed delegates how effective communication and a calm approach to the after-effects of our mistakes are the key to learning by our mistakes.
The morning also incorporated small group discussions which included talking about our own past mistakes and consequences. No telling tales though, what was discussed at the session stays within those 4 walls!
Feedback from the meeting confirmed the morning was a great success.
• Made me think differently about mistakes and how we deal with them especially sharing/learning from them
• Very interactive, made you think
• Enlightening and informative
Hugh Murray has more lessons and presentations for us and we hope to invite him back in the future, watch this space.
Tracy O’Connell