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Hawkins Webinar - Over-Fired Air (OFA) in Industrial Boilers
Paul will discuss how pollution control technology can cause a loss of steam and/or power generation.
View event detailsLaughing Yourself to Wellness - Webinar
The science of laughter in the workplace and an introduction to laughter yoga
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Escapes of Water
This webinar will cover common causes of escapes of water and how Regulations, Standards and Manufacturer’s guidance can be used to achieve a recovery.
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Webinar – Property insurance dealing with under insurance
It is estimated that 90% of policies have incorrect sums insured! This presentation looks at the major issue of under insurance in the UK property market and how to help your clients avoid the under-insurance trap.
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Wind induced failures of buildings & Reducing flood risk during remedial works
In this webinar Ian Major will discuss wind induced failures of buildings and structures with some case studies to show how they are investigated. This will be followed by a discussion from Richard Keightley about property flood resilience (‘PFR’): what it is, how it works, and the benefits of ‘building back better’ after a flood.
View event detailsSURE: a new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice
We naturally ask the client if there is anything they didn´t understand and often, the client replies “No”. Or we ask if everything was clear and the client answers “Yes”. But can we rely on these answers as being an accurate reflection of whether the client truly has listened to and understood that advice? The answer is NO!! That is why, in this webinar, Jeff Heasman will outline his SURE technique for insurance and financial services professionals, based on concept checking, a method traditionally used in language teaching.
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WEBINAR with Branko: FCA Consumer Duty and Product Governance update for GI
The FCA want to see a higher level of consumer protection in retail financial markets, where firms compete vigorously in the interests of consumers and they wish to drive a healthy and successful financial services system in which firms can thrive and consumers can make informed choices about financial products and services. They consider that firms are not consistently and sufficiently prioritising good consumer outcomes and this causes consumer harm and erodes consumer trust. With final rules published on 27 July 2022 this talk will update you as to what now will be needed. This General Insurance focused session will also include an update on Product Value Assessments that have to be completed by 30 September (note the FCA have criticised insurers for their lack of progress with this) and have given brokers an extension of 90 days so as to prevent customer harm. Both brokers and insurers have an important role to play and this session will ensure you understand what it is you have to do. We will also cover the current position on multi-occupancy insurances following intervention by the government (very much part of the product governance and value assessments work).
View event detailsCelebrating our Differences
Do we stop to consider what it is like to be us, and recognise how we can celebrate the difference in all of us? Learn how we can become self-aware of our own behaviours and enrich our perspectives and views of others. In this interactive and engaging session, Joanne Lockwood speaks about what you can do right now to step up and step in to celebrating the differences in all of us and the strength it brings.
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Quantum & Delay: Scope, cost, methodology and duration of building repairs
The scope and methodology of building repairs directly impacts the cost and duration of any repair. This webinar will look at how we assess these, as well as provide some case examples.
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Qualification pathway to ACII
Fast track your future. This session is intended for anyone currently studying a CII general insurance qualification at any level up to ACII. The focus of the content will be on what comes next after the CERT, with particular emphasis on coursework.
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The cost of poor acoustics in building, industry & environment
Acoustic design is not something most people think about until a problem is identified. Errors in design, construction, or simply failure to consider acoustics can lead to annoyance, loss of privacy, and, in some cases, increased risk to health and safety. This webinar will address some of the common issues we investigate, with a particular focus on noise in the built environment.
View event detailsManaging Anxiety through Change
This webinar will explore anxiety, what it is, how and why it shows up in the workplace and what can be done to reduce the impact of anxiety on well-being and performance. Attendees will get practical tools and techniques to help them manage anxiety and to thrive at work and in life.
View event detailsInsurance Considerations for the Digital Asset Industry
Insurance Considerations for the Digital Asset Industry provides participants with an explanation of digital asset currencies and NFTs – what they are and what insurance coverages are available. The session brings this to life through public claims scenarios and offers a ‘check list’ of good risk management practices that underwriters can look out for.
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Wine & Cheese Night
Join our wine and cheese night hosted by the Midkent CII new generation council. Tickets £17.50 per person
View event detailsA Practical Guide to Successful Retirement
Retirement is a major life transition. It is likely to last many years. While for many it is the reward for years of hard work, for a significant proportion retirement is not the positive experience they expected. This workshop uses an evidenced based approach to explore the key challenges and adjustments required, and identifies what we need to do, beyond the financial planning, to ensure a fulfilling future.
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Annual General Meeting 2022
We need you! (To get down to our AGM, that is...) Your council invites you to attend the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Mid Kent Institute. Hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members. If you feel you could make a positive contribution, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved.
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The aim of this webinar is to identify the key issues of Environmental Impairment Liability and to take away some of the mystery or misunderstanding that is commonly found with this complex area of claims.
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Young Professionals: How to Demonstrate and Develop Credibility
This webinar, aimed at young professionals, explores the characteristics of credibility and how to use it in an authentic way in business conversations. It also explores the importance of presence and confidence in credibility, even when not speaking. The aim of this webinar is for delegates to identify the knowledge and practical solutions on how to use gravitas and personal impact authentically.
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Annual Dinner 2022
Our 2022 annual Dinner Dance will once again be held at the popular and prestigious location of Leeds Castle. Join us!
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