President's Message

- Andrew Fennell
- President
It is my honour and privilege to be re-elected as President of the Nottingham Institute for the next 12 months. I can’t believe that it has been 12 months since I was elected as President where we also celebrated our 125th Anniversary as an Institute.
As host of the Annual Dinner, I wanted it to be a celebration of our industry and the 125 years we have been established as an Institute, and it definitely was, from our amazing new venue at Colwick Hall, where we enjoyed the company of our colleagues and peers, plus entertained with a brilliant live band and many laughs from our top-flight comedian Scott Bennett. We were delighted to have been joined by the Chair of the CII, Dr Helen Philips who personally wrote and said it was “A very successful evening and a real pleasure to be with you. Thank you for the invitation.”. Huge credit goes to our Dinner Secretary, Bronte James for organising such a great event.
In September 2023, we had a very successful InsurED Education Conference which brought together many members plus a chance to meet providers. We were also pleased to host our 5 a side Football Tournament in March 2024, which was also a great success and produced our first winner since 2019.
Turning to CPD content, we were so pleased to have delivered a wide range of face to face and virtual CPD events covering many different topics and professional skills, providing us with such great feedback. We have lots of topical areas, technical sessions and CPD events planned throughout 2024 – so keep an eye out for our forthcoming events.
As an institute our aims remain unchanged which is to support all those who need our help, whether you are an individual, and employer, provider or professional connection. As always, if there is something that we can help with then please do not hesitate to reach out.
Moving on to Charities, we managed to raise over £1,900 for our nominated Charities over the last 12 months which is a great result in the current economic climate. For 2024, we will be supporting The Insurance Charity and my nominated charity will remain as Forever Stars, who continue to help families as a baby loss charity. We are hoping to raise as much as possible for our nominated charities in the forthcoming year.
Finally, I would personally like to thank all our dedicated officers, with a special mention to our Deputy President, Claire Kitchinson who has been a key member of our Council and I am sure will be an amazing President when she takes over next year.
We are all volunteers within our roles and give up many hours of our own time to assist and serve the Nottingham Insurance Institute and without our volunteers, our institute, and all those around the country would cease to exist. I am delighted that we have new Council members and individuals stepping forward to take on vital roles within Council this coming year and years to come, and look forward to working together over my appointment as President.
Thank You
Andrew Fennell
President of the Nottingham Insurance Institute