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Women in Finance Event - Pension Planning for Women
This Women in Finance Group event will cover key issues relevant to pension planning specifically for women. Presentations will cover the 'pensions gap', pensions as part of divorce settlements and pensions sharing. The event is free to attend.
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In Person CPD Event: Networking - A Professional Approach
Networking has massive benefits to individuals and organisations on multiple levels, and yet many neglect it completely, go through the motions or treat it solely as an opportunity to get out of the office and blow off some steam. This session, presented by Nick Thomas, emphasises a professional and structured approach to networking; exploring overall networking strategy, how to optimise results from specific events, and pays particular attention to networking for sales. It gives delegates the tools and insight to raise their networking game and reap the rewards for themselves and their employers.
View event detailsLegal issues surrounding the use of AI in the Financial Services Sector
We work in a world of blended and changed family structures, we need to understand the legal constraints and opportunities when creating plans with our clients. Effective financial planning brings together emotional, financial and legal issues to help clients create, preserve and protect their wealth and income. Financial advisors and planners work with other professionals to create plans. Very often planning involves legal matters, being familiar with the legalities and knowing when to signpost to other professionals is a skill worth developing and we are delighted to invite you to book the final session of a trilogy of legal webinars provided by Blacks Solicitors.
View event detailsWealth Preservation & Private Wealth and Succession
We work in a world of blended and changed family structures, we need to understand the legal constraints and opportunities when creating plans with our clients. Effective financial planning brings together emotional, financial and legal issues to help clients create, preserve and protect their wealth and income. Financial advisors and planners work with other professionals to create plans. Very often planning involves legal matters, being familiar with the legalities and knowing when to signpost to other professionals is a skill worth developing and we are delighted to invite you to book the second of a trilogy of legal webinars provided by Blacks Solicitors. The final webinar in this trilogy is: Legal issues surrounding AI 23rd April 2024 Separate information and booking details will be sent and in the meantime, please book this second event and encourage your work colleagues to join the webinar, it is open to all.
View event detailsWealth Preservation & Family Law
We work in a world of blended and changed family structures, we need to understand the legal constraints and opportunities when creating plans with our clients. Effective financial planning brings together emotional, financial and legal issues to help clients create, preserve and protect their wealth and income. Financial advisors and planners work with other professionals to create plans. Very often planning involves legal matters, being familiar with the legalities and knowing when to signpost to other professionals is a skill worth developing and we are delighted to invite you to book the first of a trilogy of legal webinars provided by Blacks Solicitors.
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Later Life Planning Seminars Tuesday 26th March 2024
Later Life Planning Seminars: Planning with equity release and long-term care annuities.
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CPD Webinar: An Introduction to Marine Cargo Insurance
Despite marine insurance being one of the oldest classes of business, for many in our profession it is not something they come across on a regular basis. This one-hour webinar provided by Alan Hornby is Part 1 of 3 of the webinar series on Marin Cargo Insurance. This session is aimed at those new to insurance or who want to refresh their knowledge of this important but often overlooked class of business.
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Annual General Meeting 2024
We need you! To get down to our AGM... We here invite you to attend our 2024 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members for the forthcoming year. If you feel you could make a positive contribution to your institute, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved. Book your place today.
View event detailsCPD Webinar: FCA Definition and Guidance on Vulnerable Customers
This one-hour webinar provided by Alan Chandler, Chartered Insurer, will include how the FCA define vulnerable customer, the measures all firms are expected to put in place and how the requirements on all firms are changing to make sure the most vulnerable are protected going forward. This continues to be a hot topic for the regulator and failure to comply leaves firms open to disciplinary measures from the regulator. We will also look at how firms have been treating customers unfairly including some disturbing case studies.
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Half-day Business Protection Workshop Tuesday 23rd January 2024
Interactive half-day Business Protection workshop hosted by Robert Betts of Legal & General. The workshop will cover the fundamentals of the Business Protection marketplace will cover case studies that may provide attendees with the opportunity to enhance client outcomes through increased awareness levels.
View event detailsCPD Webinar: Under Insurance in Household Insurance Products
This one-hour webinar provided by Alan Chandler, Chartered Insurer, will examine the challenge of making sure personal lines policyholders avoid under insurance. Alan will look at what needs to be taken into account in respect of setting the correct buildings and contents sums insured, including personal possessions away from the home and the problems caused by inner limits, which often go under the radar. The webinar will then explore the consequences for the policyholder for failing to insure adequately.
View event detailsWebinar: Flooding: Risk, Resilience and Recoveries
This webinar uses case studies to discuss factors that affect flood risk to existing properties and new developments, how flood risk can be reduced using property flood resilience (‘PFR’) measures, and how a forensic hydrologist / expert witness can assist in subrogated recoveries involving flood damage.
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CII & PFS Members - Winter Social Gathering
We are inviting all CII and PFS members to a winter social gathering at The Beer Engine pub followed by meal at Zeugma Turkish Restaurant in Sheffield. Celebrate the end of the year with your fellow professionals, all are welcome!
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110th Annual Dinner
The Insurance Institute of Sheffield and our President, Lauren Walker, are delighted to announce the date for our 110th Annual Dinner! We can confirm this year's dinner will be held on 16th November 2023 and that we will return to the Royal Victoria Crowne Plaza in Sheffield
View event detailsCPD Event - Understanding and Managing Mental Health
There has been an increasing awareness and consideration of mental health in recent years with many athletes, celebrities, and public figures open up about their own wellbeing and their management of those but do you really understand "Mental Health"? Do you know what influences our mental health? Do you know how to manage it? Louise Turner MBA MCIPD of Actus will take us through all of the above in this in-person event. ****** Agenda: 8:00am Registration, refreshments and breakfast / 8:30am Event starts ******
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2023 PFS-Member Autumn Conference
Retirement planning and Investment-themed conference to be held held at Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Hotel, Sheffield. 9.00am for 9.30am start, event to close at 3.45pm
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In-person Conference - Insuring the future: Modern methods of construction, the underwriting of modular buildings, and impacts on claims
Join us for our annual in-person conference, organised by the insurance institutes of the North-East. Industry experts come together to explore modern methods of construction in an interactive case-study based format.
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CPD Webinar - Impact of FCA Review on Insurance for Multi-Occupancy Buildings
This session will look at how insurance for multi-occupancy buildings will be affected by the FCA consultation Sept 2022 (CP23/8: multi-occupancy building insurance) and Multi-Occupancy Buildings Insurance Broker Remuneration report April 2023.
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Webinar: Inflation Goes High, We Go Low
Are you in charge of the UK economy? Do you work for the Bank of England? If the answers to these are 'no', then you may be forgiven for thinking there's not much you can do about inflation. But financial advice professionals are very much at the front line when it comes to helping clients navigate what inflation means for them and their finances.
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Women in Finance Event
Join us for an inspiring and interactive afternoon drinking tea and coffee, enjoying some cakes and hearing from our panellists on all things about career in the industry. Proceed to our event page to find more about this event and our speakers.
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