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Understanding insurance claims handling

  • Thu 14 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

This webinar delivered by Alan Chandler one of the leading presenters in the UK, looks at what a claims handler would look for in the event of a claim. The webinar explores the importance of early notification of claim by the policyholder, what information a claims handler will typically seek and when they will use an outsourcer. The presentation will also explore both the insured and insurers obligations in respect of a claim and why insurers must settle promptly.

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Restoring Trust In Insurance By Improving Customer Service

  • Thu 14 Sep 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Bernard Thornton FCII

At a time when the public image of insurance has never been in a more intensive spotlight, this webinar looks at the joint issues of customer service and trust – inextricably linked and vital to the future prosperity of the insurance sector.

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The Rise of Errors and Omission Claims Against Brokers and why Broker Pi premiums are soaring

  • Tue 08 Aug 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

Broker Professional Indemnity premiums are in many cases doubling which reflect the fact that Pi underwriters believe the possibility of claims against brokers has never been higher. This presentation will explore why the number of errors and omission claims against brokers are on the increase and how these can potentially be mitigated.

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Webinar - Everyone Counts!

  • Tue 25 Jul 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Sam Sims, National Numeracy

A shocking 49% of adults in the UK have the numeracy level expected of a primary school child. This increases vulnerability to debt, fraud, financial exclusion and unemployment, and contributes to up to £25 billion each year in lost earnings. This webinar will introduce the issue of low numeracy in the UK, as well as the work and impact of National Numeracy towards addressing it.

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FCA GI Consumer Duty and update

  • Tue 18 Jul 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII MIoD, Branko Ltd

The FCA has made it clear that "some firms may be further behind in their thinking and planning for the Duty. This brings a risk that they may not be ready in time, or they may struggle to embed the Duty effectively throughout their business." Are you ready?

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CPD Event - Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

  • Wed 07 Jun 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • AMP
    • Jeff Heasman, MABP, LL.B (Hons), LL.M

This event, presented by Jeff Heasman, MABP, LL.B (Hons), LL.M, focuses on how to create and claim value in a negotiation. A critical skill in a hard market. Please see the event page for further details.

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Webinar: Rest, Recovery, Recharge - Ready for Productivity

  • Tue 30 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Anna Reddy, Leap Health

The well-known phrase “I`ll sleep when I die” is old school. The number of hours worked DOES NOT correlate with performance. This session addresses the WHY, WHAT and HOW to rest, recover and recharge, so that you are ready to achieve!

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Webinar: Exploring Inclusion and Diversity - Considering Socio-economic background and creating inclusive environments

  • Wed 24 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Rose Sellman-Leava, Inclusive Futures CIC
    • Jess Woodsford, Inclusive Futures CIC

Despite not being one of the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act, people from lower socio-economic backgrounds experience bias, discrimination and significant inequality of opportunity.

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Webinar: Building barriers to burnout and bridges to brilliance

  • Tue 16 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Anna Reddy, Leap Health

Would you feed your Ferrari frogs? If the answer is a big fat “NO” then this course is for you. If you want to fuel your body for physical health, it is vital that you understand and apply the contents of this course.

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CII Examination techniques - May 2023

  • Mon 15 May 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Insurance Training and Consultancy

This three-hour workshop (which will include a break) will aid all those who are taking CII or PFS examinations. It is a generic overview delivered by Alan Chandler, who is one of the most popular insurance presenters in the UK, and who has been both tutor and examiner for many different CII subjects.

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Webinar: Food for Mood

  • Tue 02 May 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Anna Reddy, Leap Health

Although your brain is only 2% of your body weight, it consumes 20% of the calories you eat. So, why on earth when we think about nutrition are we often lead to focus on body image? Fuel your mind, and mental strength you will find!

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Annual General Meeting 2023

  • Tue 25 Apr 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

We need you! To get down to our AGM... Your local institute council invites you to attend their 2023 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members for the forthcoming year. If you feel you could make a positive contribution to your institute, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved. Book your place today.

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Webinar: Working From Home & Hybrid… Without Forgetting Health & Happiness

  • Tue 18 Apr 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Anna Reddy, Leap Health

WFH&H…WFH&H...! Gain a greater awareness of the health habits that hinder and help your productivity when WFH&H. We'll explore nutrition, movement, sleep, positive noise, & productivity winners, whilst linking these to your individual world.

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Commercial Property Insurance – What is actually covered by an All Risks wording?

  • Mon 17 Apr 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This presentation explores what is covered by an 'All risks' Commercial Property wording which is not as wide as the title suggests!

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Professional Indemnity insurance – How claims can arise

  • Tue 28 Mar 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This presentation provides an overview of professional indemnity insurance. It looks at the main case law underpinning the PI market, why the PI market is expanding in terms of number of policyholders needing the cover yet at the same time the capacity is decreasing.

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  • Thu 16 Mar 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Grab a team of four colleagues or book a single ticket and we will put you in a team for this fun speed quizzing night - testing your general knowledge and ‘sleight of hand’.

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CII Examination techniques

  • Wed 01 Mar 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This three-hour workshop (which will include a break) will aid all those who are taking CII or PFS examinations. It is a generic overview delivered by Alan Chandler, who is one of the most popular insurance presenters in the UK, and who has been both tutor and examiner for many different CII subjects.

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How contract conditions can change the liability of an insured and why brokers must advise clients on this.

  • Mon 13 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

Many policyholders sign contracts without realising they are potentially exposing themselves to liabilities that are not covered by their insurances. Often these contracts are signed in order to either win business or obtain key supplies, either way they are extending their liability beyond the potential protection provided by the liability insurer.

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STILL TIME TO BOOK - NE Institutes Webinar: Blackfinch EIS & VCT Meet the Manager & Tax Year End Planning

  • Tue 17 Jan 10:00 am – 11:30 am
    • Dr Reuben Wilcock, Blackfinch Investments
    • Anna Brooksbank, Blackfinch Investments

Looking at the methodology behind the investment decisions and the creation of ground-breaking solutions that could become the household names of tomorrow.

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Commercial Property Insurance - Clauses and conditions

  • Mon 16 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This presentation, delivered by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, will go through all the main conditions and clauses that can be found in a Commercial Property wording, what is their purpose and when should they be included.

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