Fri 29 Mar. 2024

CII Annual Dinner

Once again members of the Insurance Institute of Exeter gathered for our annual black tie dinner event, this year's theme being The Great Gatsby.

With over 200 guests attending, our President, Theresa Atal welcomed attendees with a toast and thanked council members for their support during this last year.

A special mention for our Honourable Treasurer Graham Brown ACII who passed away in November 2023.

Cheryl Phillips of Gallaghers, introduced the Graham Brown Professionalism Award, and we were pleased that his wife and family members were able to join us whilst we recognised his contribution not just to Council but to the industry.

Congratulations to Sam Bennett of Claims Consortium Group who won this years David Grimley Award. This was kindly sponsored by Mark Fowles of DWF. We thank Mark for his continued support as he steps down from council.

Thank you to everyone who supported this years chosen charities Cancer Research UK & Marie Curie, which are particularly close to our hearts. Over £2,100 was raised on the night, additionally both charities took further donations on the night.

Following the delicious meal, it was time to have some fun at the South West Photo Booth

And then for some dancing, Hausband had everyone on their feet until carriages arrived.

Save the date, next years dinner is on Friday 7th March 2025. We hope to see you there!

Trudy Herniman Cert CII