Previous events

November IIG Lunch : The Expectation Gap
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey would be delighted to welcome you to an afternoon lunch at Les Cotils, commencing at 12pm on Tuesday 19th November 2024. Julie-Anne Headington will be in attendance as speaker, to discuss the “Expectation Gap”, sustainability in loss adjusting arising from what policyholders expect and what is actually covered.
Tue 19 Nov 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Julie-Anne Headington, Channel Islands Adjusters Ltd

In the Mood for Food
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey and The Insurance Institute of Jersey would like you to join them for their joint webinar on how food can impact your mood.
Although your brain is only 2% of your body weight, it consumes 20% of the calories you eat.
Tue 12 Nov 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Annual Dinner 2024
UPDATED: Photos of the event are now LIVE!
On behalf of the Insurance Institute of Guernsey, our Annual Dinner will take place at the St Pierre Park Hotel on Friday 18th October 2024.
This year is the 40th anniversary of the IIG in Guernsey and we are going to be making it spectacular for all Guests! The event this year is ‘Ruby Theme’ and we therefore invite guests to dress accordingly. To keep the event as flexible and open as possible, black tie or business attire and dinner dresses will be acceptable, as per last year.
As this is the 40th Anniversary of the IIG in Guernsey, we have booked and brought over Comedian – Lloyd Griffith! He is currently on his own tour at the moment, and continues to tour with Jack Whitehall!
Fri 18 Oct. 6:30 pm
St Pierre Park Hotel Spa & Golf Resort

IIG Insurance Development Day 2024
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey is holding its Insurance Development Morning at Old Government House on Tuesday 8 October.
Registration is open now!
Tue 08 Oct 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Old Government House Hotel

A Plain English Introduction to Engineering Insurance/Inspection & Contractors Insurance
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey is holding the above event with speaker Alan Chandler. The talk is an hour and a half with the ability to network following the talk. The event will be presented in two parts - Part One: A Plain English Introduction to Engineering insurance and inspection, and Part Two: A plain English overview of contractors insurance. Please contact Lauren Gregory, Vice President and Education Secretary to register & book your place. Places are limited.
Fri 20 Sep 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Certificate in Insurance IF1 Training Day 2024
The Insurance Institute of Guernsey is holding an IF1 training provided by trainer Alan Chandler for those studying the certificate in insurance at Les Cotils on Friday, 20 September 2024.
Alan will guide you through all the IF1 content during the day and will use his experience and enthusiastic presenting style to create relevant plain English examples to equip all the delegates to pass IF1.
Fri 20 Sep 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Les Cotils