President's Message

- Ashley Martin
- President & Treasurer
A warm welcome to the Insurance Institute of Guildford.
Having first started volunteering for the Institute in 2018, in a variety of roles, it was an honour to be appointed as Institute President in April 2024. The overarching aim of a Local Institute is to deliver value to its members including CPD offerings (technical and soft skills) and networking opportunities.
My aims for my presidency are as follows:
- Deliver a packed webinar programme, covering wide-ranging topics
- Focus on networking events especially for Young Professionals (members aged 35 and under) such as our annual Summer BBQ and Lloyds of London tours
- Fundraise for our chosen charity - Oakleaf Enterprise in Guildford via the following events:
- Annual Dinner (March 2025)
- Charity quiz nights
- Charity golf day
- Deliver training sessions for the Dip CII and ACII qualifications
- Host an annual CPD Conference in collaboration with neighbouring Local Institutes
- Recruit new committee members to ensure succession planning
I am fortunate to be supported by a great committee. We are all volunteers and if you would like to find out more about getting involved, please do let me know. All members are very welcome to join our bi-monthly, in-person committee meetings.
If you would like to get in touch regarding any matter, please do not hesitate to email me:
Ashley Martin
The Insurance Institute of Guildford