Fri 30 Jun. 2017

Tish Hanifan - FL CPD Report

“On Friday 30th June 2017 Tish Hanifan spoke to members about the changes made by the Care Act 2014 and the implications of those changes. A number of the changes came into effect in April 2015 but others have been deferred until April 2020.

The thought of going into a care home is a worry for a lot of people and how this would be funded is likely to be at the forefront of a client's mind when they seek financial advice, especially later in life. Tish provided members with an extremely useful overview of the eligibility criteria for financial assistance from the Local Authority towards care home fees.

Tish is the founder and joint chair of the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA), which assists families to identify financial advisers who are accredited in providing advice to people later in life. Tish is also the Business Development Manager for Solicitors for the Elderly and Vice Chair of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners in Kent.

We have received some fantastic feedback from our members regarding the event and we would like to thank Tish for speaking about such an important subject.”