Russell Beck - Impellam - The Generation Game

Widely acknowledged as a thought leader in Talent Management, Russell brings an unrivalled level of passion and insight to everything he does. Highly qualified and with an unrivalled depth of experience across industries and geographies, Russell thinks differently, challenges norms and envisages better ways of working. A charismatic and inspirational public speaker Russell considers wide-ranging issues impacting the world of Talent, bringing a depth of insight and thought provoking challenge. He works with the senior leadership teams of companies of all sizes from FTSE100 to SMEs practically helping them better manage their most important asset, their people.

In the words of an attendee to one of his keynote speeches: “Russell is an exceptional speaker and the topics he presents are well chosen ie current and relevant. I really can not suggest or provide additional ideas as what he presents is perfect and after leaving the event always feel motivated.