There are already four generations in the workplace, and soon to be five.

'They' say that Gen Y are flighty and want everything NOW, and that the older generations are less productive and can’t cope with technology. 'They' call Generation Y the 'me, me, me' generation yet Time Magazine thinks they will change the world. What are the Generations, what are their differences, how do they view work, what do they each value in work? Pulling on the latest research and background information, this seminar considers all of these factors and more. Looking at the different behavioural traits of each, together with the political, cultural and technological factors that impacted each, we will consider where their strengths lie, the respective value propositions to drive motivation and potential areas of inter-generational conflict.

Learning outcomes:
The session will open your eyes to make you more aware of:
• How you approach work
• How your colleagues approach work
• Why people of a certain age behaviours in a certain way
• What each generation looks for in work (ie how to motivate them)
• What will the blind spots be of each generation - where will the areas of conflict occur?