Fantasy Premier League 2023/24
After the great success of last 3 years, we are pleased to announce that we are going to run the new Nottingham Insurance Institute Fantasy Premier League for the upcoming 2023/24 football season.
So, if you see yourself as the next top manager then try our NII Fantasy Premier League 2023/24, which starts on Friday 11th August at 6.30pm.
The league will be using the official Premier League fantasy football site, so, if you are interested or entered last year (and wish to try again) then you will need to register by following this link:
If you have not competed in this game before, then I would encourage everyone to read the Rules which can be found in the Help section of the site.
We are hoping to host a prize winner evening and event at the end of the season, to hand out prizes to those who have been victorious.
There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd and of course a wooden spoon prize of course – details of the prizes are to be announced. This year, we will also be adding the new feature of the ‘Cup’, where teams within our league will automatically get drawn against each other, with a prize for the winner at the end of the season.
Once registered, please let me know your email address and the company which you work for, so that I can send you an invite to join the league. DO NOT WORRY, if I have not got back to you, just make sure that you register a team before the deadline, which is Friday 11th August at 6.30pm. Entries for the competition will close on Friday 1st September.
Please email me at: to be officially entered into the league.
Here is the direct link: and the league code is: lx4ych
It is FREE to enter the league and our competition for all CII and Professional Members who are aligned to the Nottingham Institute only.
Many Thanks
Noel Marriott
Council Member – Sports & Social
Nottingham Insurance Institute

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