Tue 7 Mar. 2023
Upcoming CII system updates – 8-19 March 2023

The CII have now sent a number of communications about their plans to transition to a new customer and member relationship management system as part of their commitment to improving the way they deliver value for our members and learners.
The transition will take place between 8-19 March 2023, please note the following specific services will be unavailable between 10-14 March inclusive.
Customer Service:
• Unavailable by telephone
• The team will endeavour to respond to emails requiring no system access. We will respond to those that require system access as soon as we can after "go live".
Membership services:
• Applying for or renewing Statements of Professional Standing (SPS)
• Renewing or upgrading membership
• Accessing your personalised membership webpages (MyCII/MyPFS)
• Accessing membership services, including FutureMe, Connect (Mentoring) and Perks
• Booking or cancelling PFS Events and accessing CPD certificates
• Logging CPD via the CII CPD tool
Learning Services:
• Booking, changing, or cancelling any exams (including both MCQ and written exams)
• Accessing your exam results, coursework marks, learning statements and certificates
• Submitting coursework assignments
• Accessing RevisionMate (learning materials)
• Purchasing learning products
Should you take any action now?
• Consider booking any MCQ exams sooner as some dates have been blocked out.
• Submit any coursework assignments in good time. However, don’t worry if your submission date falls within the transition time; we will work with you to extend your enrolment. If required, please complete the Coursework Extension Application Form
• Consider submitting your SPS renewals before 8 March. Don’t worry if you are not able to do so as we will contact you to notify you once you are able to apply again.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
If you have any questions in relation to this communication, please email systemaccess@cii.co.uk