Annual General Meeting
To all members of The Insurance Institute of Plymouth & Cornwall. Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Insurance Institute of Plymouth & Cornwall will be held on 18th April at 5pm at CMA House, Newham Road, Truro TR1 2SU or online.
Hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members.
To confirm your attendance please contact our Secretary Claire Longman at
Join our council - enhance your career, meet new people and develop new skills
We would be pleased to welcome any new member(s) wishing to join council.
Openings arise each year for the following roles:
- Secretary
- Treasurer,
- Education Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Dinner Secretary
- Careers Officer
- Charities Officer
- Communications Officer
- Young Professionals Group.
Being a council member brings with it an array of benefits including the opportunity to network with senior figures from the industry, develop your own personal skills and raise your profile within the local market. To find out more, please contact the institute secretary at