Should you need to contact the institute, please use the office details below. Alternatively, please contact the Secretary, President or other members of council.
Council Members
John McSherry
BSc (Hons) ACII

Craig Morris
ACII Chartered Insurance Broker
Deputy President

Sally Hendricks
Dinner Secretary and Vice President

Jacquie Hancock
ACII Chartered Insurance Broker
Secretary and Membership Secretary

Mark Sullivan
ACII Chartered Insurance Broker
Treasurer & Charities Representative

Nick Owen
Cert CII
CPD Officer

Malcolm Wallace
Vice President

Amanda Taylor
Cert CII
Communications Officer and Careers Officer

Hannah Joyce
Council Member

Derek Thomas
Council Member

Sarah Budden
BSc(Econ) ACII
Council Member

Lisa Gealy
Council Member

CII Customer Service
- 020 8989 8464