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  • Thu 19 Sep 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Online
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

ABOUT THE SESSION Good negotiation skills are crucial to many different roles within the insurance and financial services sector, and though we may not always realise it, most of our day-to-day work centres around negotiations. That said, little or no formal training is devoted towards these essential skills. This is an interactive and fun session that introduces the key elements of a negotiation process, such as the following: - Qualities of a good negotiator - Planning a negotiation - Styles and strategies - Communication skills

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Webinar: The Market Cycle

  • Fri 09 Aug 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

What causes a market cycle and are we heading into a soft market in 2024? Hard markets usually last around a maximum of three years and this latest one started in 2020. This presentation, delivered by Alan Chandler one of the UK’s most popular presenters, looks at what causes market cycles in the insurance industry and what is likely to occur in the rest of 2024. Alan correctly called the hard market in 2020, providing a presentation on the seven reasons why the market would harden. Rates have now got much higher; investment returns are now at very healthy levels and underwriting in the UK looks a lot better proposition than it did back in 2020. New entrants will be attracted to the market and existing players will look to expand capacity to take advantage of the current favourable investment conditions. Rates will not crumble over night, but Alan predicts 2024 will see a change in demand and supply, where Insurers will have to start having to fight more for business, and there will need to be a change in the way insurers operate, which may result in home working underwriters actually answering the phone to brokers! Alan will also explore how brokers and underwriters can be successful in a softening market. Brokers have a fiduciary duty, and this means insurers cannot ask brokers to be loyal without also providing genuine benefits at renewal for the policyholder. Whilst many people will not want to see the hard market end, history tells us it will, and not mentioning it will not stop a soft market cycle starting. This presentation will equip you for the change in the market that is on its way.

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Webinar: Law of Torts in a Nutshell

  • Tue 16 Jul 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

All too often we overthink principles of tort law and we get confused by the raft of cases that exist in this area of law. In turn, we confuse ourselves and our customers in the way we explain and apply those principles of law. In this session, we will strip the law of torts back to basics and demystify the confusion. We will learn how to explain the law in a simple and clear way and how to apply the case law to real-life scenarios. Areas that we will examine include: Negligence: the duty of care, breach of duty, causation and remoteness Occupiers’ liability Employers’ liability General defenses and remedies in the law of torts.

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Webinar - Construction All Risks - an introduction

  • Thu 04 Jul 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Alan Tickner, Nick Thomas Associates

Advanced Construction Risks This session examines how the standard Joint Contracts Tribunal contract has influenced the Contractors' insurance product, where and to whom the building contract imposes responsibility for insurance and the main classes affected

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Webinar: A Plain English Overview of Reinsurance

  • Fri 24 May 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler Training

A plain English overview of reinsurance, including how reinsurance premiums affect the price charged to policyholders. Reinsurance premium increases have been one of the most significant causes of the current hard market for policyholders, and that is why it is essential that all brokers, underwriters, and claims staff have a basic overview of how reinsurance operates. This webinar will be presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular speakers in the UK. Alan will explain why reinsurance is so essential, the different types of reinsurance and how reinsurance can significantly affect policyholder’s premium and cover.

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Annual General Meeting 2024

  • Wed 01 May 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • The Village Hotel Swansea

We need you! To get down to our AGM... Your local institute council invites you to attend their 2024 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members for the forthcoming year. If you feel you could make a positive contribution to your institute, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved. Book your place today.

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Webinar: The Power of Listening

  • Fri 26 Apr 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas Associates

Following on from the webinar on 5th September 2023 - The Power of Questions, Nick now presents The Power of Questions. ‘Nature hath given [us] one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.’ Epictetus [Ancient Greek philosopher]. Many of us merely ‘hear’ and fail to really ‘listen’. Effective listening can have a profound effect on all our interpersonal relationships at work and home. In this session Nick Thomas brings together his expertise from the worlds of sales and coaching to help improve awareness of the importance of effective listening, and some key skills and tools to improve performance in multiple different environments.

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CII Charity Quiz Night

  • Thu 21 Mar 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
  • Morriston Golf Club

It's Quiz time! Last year we had a very successful quiz night, raising £70 for the Morriston Food Bank and donating 8 or 9 bags full of food and toiletries. We are looking to repeat this success this year and invite you along to this year's annual quiz. Cost: £12.50 per person (inc food). There is a maximum of 6 persons per team. Quiz Prizes and Raffle Prizes to be won! We are again donating to the Morriston Food Bank. All profits from the night will be donated to the Food Bank and we are asking everyone to bring a food or toiletries donation (tin of soup, packet of biscuits, toothpaste etc) As with all our social events the quiz is open to Institute members and non-members who are engaged in the Insurance Industry, bring along your family and friends. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Please email with the following information: Contact Name: Team Name: Number in Team: Number of Scampi & Chips / Chicken Curry & Rice/Chips or Vegetarian Lasagne & Chips Please send Payment (£12.50 per person) to: Insurance Institute of Swansea & W Wales Account No: 80508829 Sort No: 20 84 41. Please put your name in the reference

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Webinar: Behavioral Biases in the Customer Journey: How to Identify & Handle them to Avoid Customer Harm

  • Tue 19 Mar 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

This FCA stated in the Final Guidance to the new Consumer Duty that firms need to take account of how customers “transact in the real world”. Therefore, being able to identify and handle customer´s behavioural biases, as well as our own behavioural biases and biases embedded in product design and marketing, is key to avoiding potential customer harm. This 1 hour webinar will introduce you to the most common, though often difficult to spot, behavioural biases that can be encountered throughout the customer journey from product design to claims settlement, as well as tips on how to handle them to avoid customer harm. With behavioural sciences now very much at the centre of the new outcomes-based regulation system, this webinar is a must attend for anyone who wants to stay on the right side of the new Consumer Duty.

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Webinar: Emerging Risks

  • Wed 06 Mar 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Diane Jenkins (BA (Hons), Nick Thomas Associates

This session on Emerging Risks looks at some of the issues that are changing the insurance industry – in terms of ways of working, and new insurance solutions being developed.

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St David's Day Lunch (1)

  • Fri 01 Mar 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
  • The Madeira

The ever popular St David's Day lunch is back again this year. It is always a great social event for CII members and non-members alike. Come along and meet your industry peers, catch up with old friends or just sample some great food and drink! The venue this year will be: The Madeira Restaurante 46 The Kingsway Swansea SA1 5HG The table is reserved for 1.30pm. You can stay for a few hours or stretch the lunch into the early evening - the choice is yours.

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Considering Socio-economic background and creating inclusive environments

  • Thu 22 Feb 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Jess Woodford, Inclusive Futures

Despite not being one of the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act, people from lower socio-economic backgrounds experience bias, discrimination and significant inequality of opportunity. Working with Rose Sellman-Leava and Jess Woodsford, Executive Directors of Inclusive Futures CIC, this session will explore the challenges relating to socio-economic backgrounds, and why this is important to consider in a work context. We will look at the concept of Inclusive Leadership and the importance of creating inclusive environments. You will have the opportunity to explore and discuss how you can apply these principles to your own workplace.

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Webinar: How to be Positively Disruptive

  • Thu 08 Feb 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Susan Heaton-Wright, Superstar Communicator

We are trained to pass exams; to fit in; to ‘be good and keep our head down and work’. However, we are living in a changing world. In the last 3 years we have seen the world of work change for ever, and this has involved people challenging how we work; the systems we have in place to work in a hybrid work environment.Having the ability to challenge existing norms; to identify opportunities and bring these to the workplace are invaluable for companies. But is a fine line between being Disruptive and a positive disruptor. In this topic we will discover how to avoid being mediocre: but a positively disruptive, invaluable member of your team.

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Webinar: Introduction to Engineering

  • Thu 25 Jan 9:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Online
    • Jennifer Yeates, Zing 365

Engineering insurance is one of those things that you’ve probably heard of, but do you really know what it is, or even have an understanding of how it works? If not, then this live learning is for you! This course aims to explore the different varieties of engineering insurance, how each one works and the relevant laws in place enforcing such covers. Finally, we will look and understand the importance factors of underwriting when incepting / renewing these types of covers.

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Webinar: Household policy wordings and endorsements

  • Mon 08 Jan 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

This webinar, delivered by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, takes a plain English view of how the law and the Financial Ombudsman Service interpret endorsements, conditions, warranties and policy wordings and why it is so important to get this right. What are endorsements? what are conditions and warranties? why does a breach of condition have to relate to the claim in Personal lines? – all the answers will be explained and made clear by Alan, who will include real life case law to provide additional understanding.

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Webinar: An overview of Motor Trade insurance

  • Tue 12 Dec 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The presentation, provided by Alan Chandler one of the most popular insurance presenters in the UK, will provide an overview of the main covers for a Motor Trader and show where brokers make mistakes when setting up covers. Alan will explore the background as to why the motor trade market is hardening so badly and why rates will continue to rise. The presentation will also look into how a broker can help clients by getting motor traders to focus more on risk management.

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PFS South Wales Autumn Conference

  • Wed 22 Nov 8:45 am – 3:00 pm
  • Hensol Castle
    • James Bird, Fidelity
    • Andy Woollon, Zurich
    • John Corbyn, Quilter
    • Karl Steadman, JUST
    • Dean Swindell, PortfolioMetrix
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Social Event: Beaujolais Nouveau Lunch

  • Thu 16 Nov 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Bar St James

Beaujolais Nouveau Day is one of the highlights of the Swansea social calendar and The Insurance Institute of Swansea and West Wales have decided to celebrate! It's great to get out, so come along and meet your industry peers, catch up with old friends and sample some great food and drink! (You don't have to drink the wine!) Venue: Private function room at Bar St James, Uplands Date:| Thursday 16th November Time: 1.00 pm Cost: £25 per person Buffet provided by Food by Sean. The Menu details will follow.. As with all our social events this is open to Institute members and non-members who are engaged in the Insurance Industry, bring along your family and friends.

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Webinar: Understanding the different types of Company structure

  • Tue 14 Nov 9:00 am – 10:00 am
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

It is essential all insurance staff have a good understanding of the different types of way in which a company could be structured and failing to understand these structures could lead to wrong cover being put in place. This webinar, provided by Alan Chandler one of the most popular presenters in the UK, will examine the difference between a sole trader, a partnership, a limited liability partnership, a private limited company and a public limited company. Alan will also explore the ways in which charities are formed. The leading case of Macaura v Northern insurance shows us that a policy will not respond if the insurance cover does not reflect the true structure of the company.

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Annual Dinner 2023 - Save the Date!

  • Fri 10 Nov. 7:00 pm
  • The Village Hotel Swansea

Our President, Sally Hendricks, is delighted to invite you to the Insurance Institute of Swansea & West Wales prestigious Annual Dinner, which aims to fundraise for our President's nominated charity. Date: 10th November 2023 (6.30pm for 7.00pm) Venue: The Village Hotel, Langdon Rd, Swansea SA1 8QY

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