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An overview of commercial package insurance
This webinar will provide a practical look into the various sections of a typical commercial package insurance policy, what is covered and what protection a commercial customer actually obtains, so that brokers, underwriters and claims staff alike can be confident when explaining the different sections of cover.
View event detailsTrustee Responsibilities
What is a trust? Why use a trust? Who should be trustees? Trustee responsibilities and duties The Trust Registration Service
View event detailsVirtual Conference: 'Sharing is caring - Defending the digital frontier'
The annual North East Institutes conference is back, with another topical scenario-based session: A staff member working from home due to Covid lockdown restrictions breaches employer's instructions resulting in malware infecting the company system. What are the many implications...?
View event detailsThe negative Ogden rate
Brokers/Insurance company staff if you do not understand the long-term implications of a negative Ogden in the marketplace then you will be failing your clients – this presentation will help you understand why Parliament’s decision to create and stick with a negative Ogden rate has an impact on ALL major liability injury claims. Even the traditional EL limit of £10m is now looking too small let alone PL limits of £2m.
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AF1 (Personal Tax & Trust Planning) - Online Training Course
AF1 (Personal Tax & Trust Planning) - online exam training Course held via Zoom over 4 half days (mornings) 9.30am - 1.00pm 6-9th September 2021 **PLACES ARE LIMITED ON THIS COURSE
View event detailsTax planning using VCT and EIS
This session will focus on:- • Reminder of rules and reliefs for both VCT and EIS • Typical planning opportunities for VCT and EIS • Risk considerations
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Cert CII Fast Track Remote Learning Programme
The Insurance Institute of York, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Certificate in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Cert CII in 11 weeks through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.
View event detailsA trilogy of one hour webinars on Household Insurance - Webinar THREE
Webinar THREE - Understanding Household Claims Handling Date Friday 11 June 12-1
View event detailsA trilogy of one hour webinars on Household Insurance - Webinar TWO
Webinar TWO - Household insurance – endorsements, conditions, warranties and policy wordings and the importance of getting it right Date Tuesday 8 June 12-1
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Webinar: Vulnerable customers - signposting to specialists
In this North East Institutes inclusion and diversity webinar, Johnny Timpson and Nicola Maguire highlight the regulatory and Government policy drivers that require us to act in the consumers best interest and consider signposting where appropriate.
View event detailsA trilogy of one hour webinars on Household Insurance - Webinar ONE
Webinar ONE - The problems of under insurance in Household insurance products Date Thursday 3 June 12-1
View event detailsDrawdown - what lessons have we learned?
This session will focus on challenges faced by advisers, in the current climate, for clients nearing and entering drawdown - or for those already there with an upcoming review. Whether active in the DB space or not, I think we can all agree that the Finalised Guidance on DB transfers published in March contained some very interesting and useful insights around what the regulator are looking for when it comes to processes. The majority of risks associated with DB Transfers apply to drawdown clients - regardless of where they are on their journey. What are your thoughts on this? How do your processes stand up to the test? Have you considered your current framework and checked this against the guidance provided from the regulator?
View event detailsWebinar: Professional Indemnity insurance - an overview
This presentation provides an overview of professional indemnity insurance. It looks at the main case law underpinning the PI market, why the PI market is expanding in terms of number of policyholders needing the cover yet at the same time the capacity is decreasing.
View event detailsAGM Tuesday 20 April 2021
As we approach our 2021 AGM it is an opportunity to reflect back and look forward to the coming year. Our membership has grown to over 1,000, which is a fantastic achievement, taking us from being a small to a medium-sized local institute. I am pleased to report that the York Institute is held in high regard, with several of our members involved regionally and nationally, with both the Chartered Insurance Institute and Personal Finance Society. You could say we are truly “punching above our weight” and with your help, I hope we can build on this. Our CPD events which are CII accredited, have been well supported and we are determined to keep providing you with high quality CPD in both general insurance and financial services. We have continued to work closely with our neighbouring institutes to share webinars and online events for the benefit of all members. At this AGM we are asking you to approve and vote to accept a new model constitution; our current constitution was adopted in April 1995 and is due for review. We are recommending the new constitution created by the CII for local institutes. Details available upon request. To be effective as a local Institute providing high quality CPD and a networking group promoting our profession, we need volunteers to join our council and actively promote our work. This is a great opportunity for you to work with like-minded people. If you are able and willing to help please contact me and get involved. We are a members' organisation and we need your involvement to flourish. To be kept up to date with what is happening locally, make sure the information shown for you at the CII is correct and you have agreed to receive our mailings. This database is used whether you are a CII or a PFS member; to be kept informed check your details and authorities. Stephen Wilkinson Secretary & Life Vice President Insurance Institute of York
View event detailsWebinar: How to set correct Bi sums insured in a Covid-19 affected world, where the client’s book of accounts no longer resemble the correct long term trading position
Lockdowns and massive drops in customer numbers will mean the 2020 book of accounts for most businesses will have absolutely no reflection of the true earning capacity of that enterprise. So how do clients go about setting a correct Business interruption sums insured for the forthcoming period of insurance?
View event detailsWebinar: Supervision Strategy - FCA's new supervision strategy for GI brokers
In the FCA’s Dear CEO letter of 4 September 2020 they set out a new supervision strategy for GI brokers as they believe customers are buying unsuitable or poor value products and that insufficient or unclear information is being provided at point of sale and inappropriate sales tactics are the biggest contributors of customer harm. Whilst the letter covers everything below the one hour event will focus on the following:- 1. Firms’ response to covid; 2. Governance and oversight; 3. Bedding in of SMCR to incl Conduct Rules for all staff; 4. Incentive arrangements incl remuneration for firm and staff; 5. Business models incl distribution chains, product oversight and design, sales and renewals, conflicts of interest and ARs; 6. Uncertainty brought about by the BI court case and handling of claims, complaints and ongoing communications; 7. Brief reminder - EU withdrawal + actions that should have been taken by 31/12/20. It is very clear from the FCA’s pronouncements on vulnerable customers and pricing that more work is to come for brokers and insurers alike.
View event detailsWebinar: Financial Aspects of FCA Compliance
Critical financial rules for GI brokers’ FCA compliance. This comprehensive and interactive webinar will focus on the critical financial aspects of FCA rules - overall business solvency (compliance with adequate resources Threshold Condition 2.4), professional indemnity requirements/limits/issues (incl covid cover) and the onerous client money handling rules under CASS 5. The FCA has had deep concern with brokers’ financial resilience and has issued several surveys on this plus client money handling arrangements culminating with the Dear CEO letter of 30 September 2020.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Thursday 4th February 2021 - "The insurance implications of Brexit"
Despite dominating much of press coverage for many years, due to the occurrence of Covid-19 around the globe Brexit is now getting far less press coverage, and there is a danger the insurance industry could slip into 2021 without fully considering the impact of Brexit. The UK left the EU at the end of the year and there will be implications for insurance contracts. Whilst there is a chance of something being negotiated the FCA are preparing for all eventualities. This webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK will run through a brief history of how the EU has changed insurance, before exploring how the insurance industry could change from January. There will be Implications for nearly all classes of business including motor insurance, travel insurance, commercial insurance and marine insurance which will be explored as well as exploring what will be the position on insurers who passport into the UK.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Friday 29 January 2021 - FCA Business Interruption Insurance Test Case – Supreme Court Appeal
This comprehensive and interactive one-hour webinar will focus on the judgment of the Supreme Court following the appeal of the FCA’s ground-breaking test case at the High Court. The appeal concluded on 19 November and the judgment will be handed down expeditiously. Four days were spent setting out starkly differing views between the FCA and insurers. The appeal judgment will be very clear and all parties will have to accept it. The FCA consider some 370,000 insureds have had payments denied and they have battled to convince the five Justices that sense should prevail and that a composite cause has operated – covid + government regulations + the public response and insurers have disputed this saying this is stretching causation too far. This case will be momentous and will set clear precedent as to the clarity of wordings and what needs to happen to ensure future cover (or lack of) is clear and understood by all parties. At the same time it will highlight the ongoing exposure for insurance brokers all of whom will have arranged these covers for clients (and some will be classed as co-manufacturers under PROD) and encourage them to robustly reassess their advice process under ICOBS and their overriding professional duty to clients thus ensuring they can access fairly-priced professional indemnity insurance rather than be subject to an unacceptable blanket exclusion.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 19 January 2021. Motor Legal Expenses (MLE). A presentation by Bernard Thornton FCII Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Motor Legal Expenses (MLE) is a class of insurance frequently misunderstood, overlooked or dismissed altogether. For many claimants however, MLE can be a vital form of cover, and one which is changing significantly with the upcoming implementation of the Civil Liability Act. This important legal instrument is set to make sweeping changes to the way both personal injury and ULR claims are handled and calls for major changes in the way MLE is worded, priced and sold. The wide variety of policies, cover, and marketing options can be confusing for clients and sometimes for insurance professionals. This webinar seeks to demystify MLE and to clarify what needs to be taken into account when considering and recommending cover to clients. The webinar will be of value to those involved in Motor claims, underwriting, broking or anyone wishing to widen their knowledge of a highly topical and fast-moving aspect of general insurance.
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