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Webinar: Supervision Strategy - FCA's new supervision strategy for GI brokers
In the FCA’s Dear CEO letter of 4 September 2020 they set out a new supervision strategy for GI brokers as they believe customers are buying unsuitable or poor value products and that insufficient or unclear information is being provided at point of sale and inappropriate sales tactics are the biggest contributors of customer harm. Whilst the letter covers everything below the one hour event will focus on the following:- 1. Firms’ response to covid; 2. Governance and oversight; 3. Bedding in of SMCR to incl Conduct Rules for all staff; 4. Incentive arrangements incl remuneration for firm and staff; 5. Business models incl distribution chains, product oversight and design, sales and renewals, conflicts of interest and ARs; 6. Uncertainty brought about by the BI court case and handling of claims, complaints and ongoing communications; 7. Brief reminder - EU withdrawal + actions that should have been taken by 31/12/20. It is very clear from the FCA’s pronouncements on vulnerable customers and pricing that more work is to come for brokers and insurers alike.
View event detailsWebinar: Financial Aspects of FCA Compliance
Critical financial rules for GI brokers’ FCA compliance. This comprehensive and interactive webinar will focus on the critical financial aspects of FCA rules - overall business solvency (compliance with adequate resources Threshold Condition 2.4), professional indemnity requirements/limits/issues (incl covid cover) and the onerous client money handling rules under CASS 5. The FCA has had deep concern with brokers’ financial resilience and has issued several surveys on this plus client money handling arrangements culminating with the Dear CEO letter of 30 September 2020.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Thursday 4th February 2021 - "The insurance implications of Brexit"
Despite dominating much of press coverage for many years, due to the occurrence of Covid-19 around the globe Brexit is now getting far less press coverage, and there is a danger the insurance industry could slip into 2021 without fully considering the impact of Brexit. The UK left the EU at the end of the year and there will be implications for insurance contracts. Whilst there is a chance of something being negotiated the FCA are preparing for all eventualities. This webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK will run through a brief history of how the EU has changed insurance, before exploring how the insurance industry could change from January. There will be Implications for nearly all classes of business including motor insurance, travel insurance, commercial insurance and marine insurance which will be explored as well as exploring what will be the position on insurers who passport into the UK.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Friday 29 January 2021 - FCA Business Interruption Insurance Test Case – Supreme Court Appeal
This comprehensive and interactive one-hour webinar will focus on the judgment of the Supreme Court following the appeal of the FCA’s ground-breaking test case at the High Court. The appeal concluded on 19 November and the judgment will be handed down expeditiously. Four days were spent setting out starkly differing views between the FCA and insurers. The appeal judgment will be very clear and all parties will have to accept it. The FCA consider some 370,000 insureds have had payments denied and they have battled to convince the five Justices that sense should prevail and that a composite cause has operated – covid + government regulations + the public response and insurers have disputed this saying this is stretching causation too far. This case will be momentous and will set clear precedent as to the clarity of wordings and what needs to happen to ensure future cover (or lack of) is clear and understood by all parties. At the same time it will highlight the ongoing exposure for insurance brokers all of whom will have arranged these covers for clients (and some will be classed as co-manufacturers under PROD) and encourage them to robustly reassess their advice process under ICOBS and their overriding professional duty to clients thus ensuring they can access fairly-priced professional indemnity insurance rather than be subject to an unacceptable blanket exclusion.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 19 January 2021. Motor Legal Expenses (MLE). A presentation by Bernard Thornton FCII Chartered Insurance Practitioner
Motor Legal Expenses (MLE) is a class of insurance frequently misunderstood, overlooked or dismissed altogether. For many claimants however, MLE can be a vital form of cover, and one which is changing significantly with the upcoming implementation of the Civil Liability Act. This important legal instrument is set to make sweeping changes to the way both personal injury and ULR claims are handled and calls for major changes in the way MLE is worded, priced and sold. The wide variety of policies, cover, and marketing options can be confusing for clients and sometimes for insurance professionals. This webinar seeks to demystify MLE and to clarify what needs to be taken into account when considering and recommending cover to clients. The webinar will be of value to those involved in Motor claims, underwriting, broking or anyone wishing to widen their knowledge of a highly topical and fast-moving aspect of general insurance.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Thursday 17 December 2020 - How to advise correctly on Business Interruption extensions and advanced loss of profit
One of the many things the Covid1-9 pandemic has taught the insurance industry is the importance of going through the various Bi extensions with clients and documenting these discussions. Failure to do this could leave the broker wide open to a PI claim against them. This presentation looks specifically at BI extensions, the purpose of each one of them and how in each case an incident could give rise to a claim. Many in the industry have an incorrect view of extensions, for example many discuss utilities extension cover with clients when they really mean terminal ends, so give a wrong impression of the coverage their policy is actually providing. This presentation will show you how to help your clients set a correct gross profit sum insured. This webinar will be highly beneficial for Brokers and Insurers alike.
View event detailsWebinar: Living with Covid-19: The economic outlook
This is an economic crisis of a magnitude seen only once in a hundred years or more, precipitated by a health emergency. The shutdown has a severe impact on global growth and on the UK economy and in this talk, I look at the main economic issues it raises for the UK and global economy and over the next few years and, potentially, further ahead.
View event detailsWebinar: Bank of England presentation on the Monetary Policy Report
This session covers the Bank’s central scenario for the economy in light of the impact of covid-19 and the implications for growth, inflation and unemployment. The discussion will touch on some of the key drivers affecting the outlook – both UK and global.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 17 November 2020 - Looking back at 2020 and ahead to conscious capitalism: ESG and socially responsible investing.
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, around the world central banks provided record levels of stimulus to support economies. In this webinar, Adam will recap the main events of the year, before turning attention towards integrating ESG (environmental, social, governance) and socially responsible factors into any strategy as an investment manager. Building wealth for the future is important but increasingly Adam is finding people want their investments to do more than make money. This webinar explores the role of ESG integration as part of this process.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Wednesday 21 October 2020 - Understanding the implications of policy exclusions following Covid-19
We know pretty much the whole market will apply some sort of pandemic exclusion for pandemics/covid-19 or more worryingly the words communicable diseases will be used, this starts bringing all sorts of extra scenarios that will be excluded for clients. Importantly, this will be for liability as well as property and Bi and could leave a policyholder with a lawsuit that is not covered by their insurance policy. How exclusions are worded will be incredibly significant, with some proposed wordings being very scary indeed. An example being 'losses whether caused directly or indirectly by communicable diseases are excluded' - this does not look too scary, but it is! if a fire engine is delayed getting to a fire because the part time crew were in pandemic lock down then this loss may not be covered, the disease does not have to be the proximate cause with this proposed wording. All insurance staff need to understand the law relating to exclusions. This webinar will take delegates on a plain English walk on how the law applies to policy exclusions and proximate cause, so that they can explain to clients clearly and confidently the implications of the differing communicable disease exclusions that will be applied to your policyholders wordings. This webinar is suitable for brokers, underwriters, claims staff and loss adjusters.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 13 October 2020 - How to maximise opportunities in the hard market
‘If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, then yours is the hard insurance market and all the distressed clients within in it.’ (an insurance version of Rudyard Kipling). There have been hard markets before, there have been recessions before, but never have the two emerged with such force at the same time. Policyholders desperate for savings will be receiving the unwelcome news of significant premium increases. The door of client inertia will be swung wide open, presenting fantastic new business opportunities, as well as offering serious threats to renewal books.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Wednesday 30 September 2020 "FCA Test Case - the judgement"
FCA Business Interruption Test Case - the judgement This comprehensive and interactive one-hour webinar will focus on the judgement following the FCA’s ground-breaking test case at the High Court. The hearing concluded on 30 July and the judges have agreed to hand down their judgement for mid September. Eight days have been spent analysing countless policy wordings and individual words and their everyday meanings. The FCA consider some 370,000 insureds have had payments denied as insurers have interpreted wordings only to suit themselves and each of the eight insurers’ counsel has presented evidence and argument as to why their interpretation is correct and why the FCA has got this wrong. This case will be momentous and will set clear precedent as to the clarity of wordings and what needs to happen to ensure future cover is clear and understood by all parties. At the same time it will highlight the exposure for insurance brokers all of whom will have arranged these covers for clients (and some will be classed as co-manufacturers under PROD) and encourage them to robustly reassess their advice process under ICOBS and their overriding professional duty to clients thus ensuring their own professional indemnity costs remain reasonable (clearly not knowing how the case will go at this stage!).
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 29 September 2020 - Building Sustainable Lasting Legacies
As every adviser knows, no two clients are the same. All will have very different goals and objectives, and understanding these are key when it comes to successful financial planning. In the context of legacy planning, it is also important to gain a true understanding of client’s individual beliefs, values and aspirations. For some clients, legacy planning may be primarily focused on ensuring that as much of their wealth as possible can be passed on to their loved ones. Others may be looking to use their investment power to make a wider positive change, seeking opportunities to invest in sectors that they know will be improving the world for generations to come. In the context of leaving a legacy, Business Relief investment services can offer a dual benefit. They provide a fast and flexible method of leaving a tax efficient financial legacy to loved ones. They can also provide a direct route to sustainable investment, providing access to sectors such as clean energy generation. This session will take a deep dive into how Business Relief solutions can provide both benefits. The sustainable investment sectors within our Business Relief service will be explained and analysed. The session will also provide the audience with an in-depth understanding of what planning options exist to help protect and maintain a financial legacy for future generations. These include combining Business Relief with trust planning to create a holistic, tax efficient plan that can satisfy the objectives of such clients. Consideration will be given to how financial planners can work effectively with other professional connections when building sustainable, lasting legacies.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 22 September 2020 Manage your Fear and turn up with Confidence
Manage your fear and turn up confidently. There are situations where we are affected by fear; this could impact on our performance, or we could avoid taking up opportunities that could progress our career. In this powerful webinar, Susan shares techniques to understand and manage your fear so you can present the very best version of yourself in business situations. Using proven knowledge from Neuroscience as well as her experience as a professional musician, Susan delivers invaluable content.
View event detailsWebinar - Fire & Fury, when disaster struck: What happened next?
Following on from last year's successful regional seminar, we're pleased to announce the second chapter focusing on the civil, fraud and criminal aspects of the disaster case-study. It promises to be a fascinating session, culminating in a mock-trial
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Thursday 20 August 2020 - Business Interruption Insurance - all you need to know, explained in plain English
Following the Arbory case, brokers are highly vulnerable to professional Indemnity claims due to inappropriate advice around BI insurance. One of the problems is that an accountants Gross Profit is different from insurance Gross Profit and policies could easily be set up incorrectly unless this distinction is understood. This webinar will help you get this right. Alan will take this opportunity to run through how business interruption insurance should be correctly set up. Alan will lift the myths away from Bi and show how, in his easy to understand style, you can get this cover on a correct footing going forward. This presentation will be applicable for brokers, underwriters, claims staff and loss adjusters.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 28 July 2020 " How to set the correct property sums insured"
It is estimated that 90% of policies have incorrect sums insured! This presentation looks at the major issue of under insurance in the UK property market and how to help your clients avoiding the under-insurance trap. The webinar will look at what clients actually need to take into when settling Buildings, Contents and Stock sums insured. Alan Chandler will explore why under insurance is so common, the effects of under insurance for the client and why under insurance is an increasing cause of Professional Indemnity claims against brokers. One of the problems is that the figures on the client’s balance sheet are not the same as those required for insurance purposes and Alan will point out the differences so that clients can be warned.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 21 July 2020. A presentation by Chris Taylor, Tempo Structured Products
John Maynard Keynes is attributed with saying, ‘‘When the facts change, I change my views, what do you do?’’ This may be a good question for professional advisers to consider, when thinking about structured products. We are delighted to provide details of what promises to be an informative and thought-provoking session, presented by Chris Taylor, global head of Tempo Structured Products.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Thursday 2nd July 2020 "The Rise of Errors and Omission Claims Against Brokers and why Broker PI premiums are soaring"
Broker Professional Indemnity premiums are in many cases doubling which reflect the fact that Pi underwriters believe the possibility of claims against brokers has never been higher. This presentation will explore why the amount of errors and omission claims against brokers are on the increase and how these can potentially be mitigated. Various new pieces of legislation including the brokers duty under the Insurance Act 2015, GDPR and the Insurance Distribution Directive are making brokers more vulnerable than ever, which coupled with increased litigation in society, increased client expectations and ever higher regulatory demands mean that brokers cannot continue to do what they have always done, far more proactivity is required. Alan Chandler who is widely regarded as one of the leading trainers and presenters within the UK will provide a number of examples of how the tide of litigation is turning against insurance brokers and what they need to do to mitigate their E&O risks.
View event detailsCPD Webinar Presentation Tuesday 23 June 2020 - Non-financial misconduct in general insurance
This comprehensive and interactive webinar will focus on the recently issued Dear CEO letter and will cover FCA expectations, press coverage (incl Bloomberg’s findings), assessment of culture, changing behaviour, the key role of senior managers and how chartered status can help. In addition, there will be coverage of the FCA’s Business Plan for 2020/21 and Sector Views and highlighting what you need to do in respect of:- a) Leadership b) Purpose c) Approach to rewarding and managing people d) Governance, systems and controls This webinar is interactive and participants will be encouraged to debate their thoughts on the route to cultural maturity, motivators and what a good and healthy culture looks like. This webinar is suitable for both general insurance and financial services.
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