InsurED 2018
Secure your place now
Here we are again, holding our 6th InsurED; a one day conference for all our financial services and general insurance members.
Our previous InsurED events have gotten bigger and better each time and this one promises to keep up the trend.
We have an excellent line up of speakers this year covering a wide variety of technical and soft skill topics.
There is something for everyone whatever your role. In addition, I for one am excited to introduce Sian Fisher, the Chartered Insurance Institute CEO, as our Keynote speaker.
In the hours based CPD world we work to, this is the perfect opportunity to gain up to 5 hours structured CPD and for those who cannot attend for the full day, half days can be booked. There is also the opportunity to network with your peers from financial advisers, brokers, insurers, loss adjusters, recruiters and many others from the insurance profession.
Places are limited for each of the sessions at this event due to the venue capacity and will be closed when full. We expect to sell out fast so please make sure you book early to ensure your first choice of topics and avoid disappointment.
I look forward to seeing you there on the day.
Juliet Williams ACII – Chartered Broker Nottingham Insurance institute President
Shaping your day to meet your needs
Please scroll down to find the key information to help you shape your day and choose the sessions to suit you:
Download a larger version here:
Booking instructions and Booking Form
Book your place online, then download and complete the booking form, and return via email to
Full day includes five sessions and a lunch session. Half day includes lunch and two or three sessions, depending on what time you choose to arrive.
CII Members:
£35 full day – includes 5 CPD sessions plus lunch, Keynote and Drinks Reception.
£25 half day – includes 3 CPD sessions plus lunch and either Keynote or Drinks Reception.
£40 full day – includes 5 CPD sessions plus lunch, Keynote and Drinks Reception.
£30 half day – includes 3 CPD sessions plus lunch and either Keynote or Drinks Reception.
Exclusive A5 Notebook for all delegates.
Unlimited all day refreshments including:
Teas & Coffees
Variety of Cold Drinks
Chef’s Mid-Morning & Afternoon treats
Fruit Bowl
Hot & Cold Buffet Lunch
Once both your payment and booking form have been received you will receive an email from the team to confirm your booking.
For all queries please email
Download the booking form below, complete and return
Terrorism and Political Violence Insurance- how is the market changing?
This session is designed for those working in the insurance sector.
It will discuss the history and evolution of terrorism insurance in the UK, from the formation of a government reinsurance Pool in 1993 as a result of the market failure caused by the Baltic Exchange bombing, through to how the private Insurance market is adapting to keep up with the changing threat.
It will also look at worldwide terrorism, from the Twin Towers to the Arab Spring, and how there is a renewed requirement for PV cover as the emerging market grows.
The presentation will go over products in the market along with gaps that have emerged due to the evolution of terrorism, both UK and worldwide.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Understand the emerging trends and risks of terrorism
- Identify needs and appropriate covers for business in the UK and worldwide
- What protection is currently available in the market place, both UK and Worldwide
Marcus Meredith
Marcus Meredith is a Senior Underwriter for Political Violence. He has 5 years of Political Violence MGA Underwriting experience, having previously worked for a prominent Lloyd’s syndicates’ Political Violence division as a Middle East and North Africa analyst. Prior to this he spent time in Afghanistan, North Africa and Central America as a Captain in the Coldstream Guards.
The impact and outcomes of the Grenfell Fire Tragedy
The spread of fire causing the worst kind of event like Grenfell should not happen again. The session will cover the factual elements of the incident, the materials in use and what our industry should do to support
Learning Outcomes:
Understand the cladding materials, their limitations, how the test protocols work and how we deliver more fire resistant buildings in future.
Rob Dakin
Rob is a regular speaker at our InsurED events and CII lunchtime lectures across the UK. Rob has been in the insurance industry for nearly 30 years and is AXA’s Specialist Business Resilience Manager considering the strategic risk outlook for property, particularly fire and flood. Following the tragic events at Grenfell tower in June 2017, Rob has participated in various committees, including the ABI, looking at the way forwards to engage with government on building regulations to prevent a repeat. The event like Grenfell sadly had been predicted which Rob spoke about at InsurED 2016.
Global Investment Roundup
The presentation will look at the hurdles facing the global economy as world growth remains stubbornly low. We will also take a look at the UK economy three months on from the referendum vote and ask what the data is telling us about the direction of the UK.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, delegates will:
- have a greater understanding of how inflation and interest rates are affecting the worldwide economies
- be able to discuss the global situation with clients
- understand what may happen next in the UK markets
Neal Bailey
Based in Henley-on-Thames, Neal joined the company in July 2005 as a strategist and currently holds the role of Presenter, Sales. In this role Neal is responsible for delivering educational investment seminars throughout the North of England, Scotland and Ireland. Now in their 17th year, the key events Neal delivers are the Investment Intelligence seminars which provide quality educational and informative training to around 5,000 investment professionals every year.
Neal began his career in 1988 at Scottish Equitable after which he held various roles at NPI and Framlington Fund Managers before joining AIG Life UK. As UK Sales Director, he was responsible for setting up the UK Sales Division and establishing AIG’s national investment training seminars in the late 1990s.
Neal graduated from Middlesex University in 1987 with an upper-class degree in Economics and Politics.
Tackling Stress at work: A modern approach
Learning Objectives:
- Impact of stress on attendance and performance
- Early Intervention aspects
- Presenteeism policy
- Demedicalisation of stress
Dr Philip McCrea Mb, Bch, BAO, MD, MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasg), MFOM, MFOM (RCPI)
Philip ran his own OH company, Occupational Health Consultants, for many years before selling the business to BHSF in 2013. He acted as Medical Director of BHSF Occupational Health for a while before becoming Managing Director in February 2015.
Driverless Cars – The future of mobility and the implications for insurance
David will cover off the Government backed Consortia working on this subject (we are involved with five of which Venturer in Bristol is one, the other four are UK Autodrive in Coventry/Milton Keynes and Flourish which is a combination of the two, and then we have the recently announced CAPRI and Robo Pilot).
We will look at the ongoing Government discussions, the proposed Automated and Electric Vehicle Bill and the wider implications of European restrictions/ opportunities. Data will be a key area going forward and we will look at the issues in that regard, together with the wider work carried out by Thatcham and the ABI ADIG (Autonomous Driving Group).
Whilst nothing is in anyway certain, we will also look at the potential impact on insurance risks and products in a future of connected and autonomous vehicles, and speculate as to how quickly we will see these vehicles on UK Roads.
Learning Objectives - At the end of this event, you will:
- Have gained an understanding of some of the Government backed consortia and why AXA & other insurers are involved in these
- Seen how the UK Insurance industry is responding and the workings of the ABI ADIG
- Understand details of the governments work with regard to making Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (CAV's) a reality for the UK
- Be aware of Possible Timelines for the various stages of Driver assistance systems moving through to fully autonomous driving
- Have discussed possible impacts of CAV's on the current insurance market, including changes to Motor and Public/Products Liability
David Williams
David has over 30 years’ experience in General Insurance, roles including Chief Commercial Underwriter at one of AXA’s largest branches, Reinsurance Manager, Casualty Insurance Manager, Managing Director Claims and Managing Director Underwriting
Actively involved in the Government and ABI responses to the ‘Liability Crisis’ way back just after the Access to Justice Act, he continues his lobbying work as the insurance industry looks to remove unnecessary costs and delay from the current adversarial compensation process. He is an outspoken critic of Claims Farming, Credit Hire, High Legal Costs and exaggerated Whiplash Claims.
David leads AXA’s work on Connected & Autonomous Vehicles, including work with 5 Government backed Consortia (including Venture, UK Autodrive, & Flourish) and is Chair of the ABI Autonomous Driving Insurance Group. He also Chairs RISCAuthority, the CII Underwriting Faculty, is a Board Member of the Fire Protection Association, and is a Non-Exec Director of AXA Assistance UK.
Business Interruption Indemnity Periods and Business Recovery
This session will address the drivers behind periods of interruption and fixing indemnity periods. As well as considering the issues arising from policy wordings and Mike will dispel some common myths and cliché surrounding this topic. Mike will draw on his experience gained from managing real claims and look specifically at the differences between manufacturing, services and the retail sectors.
The session aims to leaves delegates better placed to identify and respond to clients’ needs when fixing BI cover.
Learning objectives:
Identify key drivers behind how long it will really take a business to recover from a crisis.
Dispel some of the myths behind setting indemnity periods and demonstrate how hard it is for a business to recovery.
Address some of the clichés around the issue – is a total loss really the worst case scenario.
Appreciate the different issues between manufacturing, services and retail/leisure sectors.
Mike is a highly skilled adjuster who specialises in business interruption, catastrophe and environmental responses, and major and complex global loss.
After living in Dubai and Riyadh for 6 years managing multi million pound losses across numerous perils, Mike returned to the UK in 2002 and has since handled high profile, high value losses ranging from celebrity homes to destroyed factories and businesses to housing estates damaged by flood and fire. Such varied experience has given Mike the opportunity to design and deliver bespoke services to his clients whilst maintaining pragmatic relationships.
He has a keen interest in developing junior colleagues in the profession and indeed the wider market, frequently lecturing on a range of topics. He is a Past President of the Sheffield Insurance Institute.
Pension Protection Fund - Who we are and what we do
Learning outcomes:
This session will give delegates:
- An understanding of the PPF’s statutory basis and core mission
- How the PPF is funded, including its investment strategy and levy
- The PPF’s assessment process
- An overview of PPF compensation
- The PPF’s assessment of DB scheme funding and sustainability
David Shaw - Director of Strategy & Policy
David Shaw – currently Director of Policy and Strategy at the Pension Protection Fund, a role which includes end to end responsibility for the Pension Protection Levy (from policy design to invoicing). Previously, a civil servant at the Department of Work and Pensions with roles spanning labour market policy and private pensions (including responsibility for key provisions of the Pensions Act 2004).
Leveraging the power of Trait Emotional Intelligence to improve personal effectiveness and workplace relationships
The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is an emotional intelligence assessment designed to tell you how well your people understand and manage their emotions, how well they interpret and deal with the emotions of others and how they use this knowledge to manage relationships. This session will explore the model of Trait Emotional Intelligence in more detail, providing the audience with some key takeaways they can use to improve personal effectiveness and to work more effectively with, and in, their teams.
Learning Outcomes:
Key takeaways that can be used to improve their personal effectiveness at work.
Luke Treglown
Luke is a psychologist at Thomas and is currently finishing his PhD on the antecedents and consequences of employee disenchantment and injustice within the workplace. He also has several years experience working as a psychologist for a consultancy and has just written a book with Professor Furnham, one of our test authors, titled 'Disenchantment: Managing Motivation and Demotivation'. He is an expert on Trait Emotional Intelligence.
Preparing for Senior Managers Certification Regime
The FCA has confirmed that the Senior Managers & Certification Regime (“SMCR”) will be extended to all FCA-authorised and regulated firms from 2019.
Whilst the final details of the extended SMCR are still to be confirmed, based on experience of those already subject to the regime and by considering the FCA’s approach and its publications on the extended SMCR to date, it is possible to anticipate the Regime’s likely final form.
Whatever its final form, SMCR represents a material shift in how the FCA will supervise management of regulated firms and the expectations placed on management. Now is the time for management in all regulated firms to get themselves and their firms match fit and ready for the new regime when it hits in 2018.
This session is intended to identify some of the steps that can be taken now to help firms understand and prepare for SMCR.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the session, delegates will be able to:
- Understand the context to the background to SMCR, its aims and purpose;
- Understand the latest position from the regulators on the SMCR; and
- Apply the SMCR in the context of practical examples.
Oliver Assersohn
Oliver Assersohn is a commercial/Chancery and regulatory barrister at XXIV Old Buildings specialising in banking and financial services and is recommended by the foremost independent legal directories for financial services.
Chambers & Partners describes him as “a highly regarded junior who is an expert at handling complex issues relating to mis-sold investments and breaches of the perimeter…An effective advocate…”.
Previous editions said a “financial services and banking specialist who has a wealth of expertise in the area. He has a broad chancery and commercial practice…He is incredibly diligent and hard-working, and continues to impress with his technical knowledge.” Also ranked by Legal 500 for financial services and banking and finance who describe him as “…a truly excellent barrister…”.
Commercial/ Chancery work: A substantial element of Oliver’s work has a banking or financial services angle to it and he has acted for institutions, funds, family offices and individuals. In addition to an analysis of the contractual, equitable and common-law position Oliver is able to bring to bear his detailed knowledge of the Financial Services and Markets Act (2000), the regulatory regime more generally and the impact of the FCA rules on a civil claim. Oliver has also undertaken a broad range of non-financial services related commercial or Chancery cases for negligence and breach of contract as well as being instructed in insolvency claims, interlocutory applications and jurisdictional issues with particular experience of forum non conveniens issues.
Financial services work: Oliver acts for individuals and institutions subject to investigation by the FCA and is currently involved in assisting both firms and individuals facing multi-jurisdictional investigations. He has extensive experience of market abuse and insider dealing issues and of advising investors, investment advisors and others in relation to investment schemes and other perimeter matters.
Oliver was previously seconded to the Regulatory Decisions Committee of the FSA (which decides contested enforcement decisions) and advised the FSA in a number of cases as well as having been instructed by the enforcement division. He is the editor of the Decision Procedure and Penalties Manual Commentary in Butterworths Financial Regulation Services.
I’ve nothing to fear, I’m innocent - Technical evidence in miscarriages of justice
A journey through the whole subject of technical evidence and its use in criminal trials where neither the Jury nor the Judge are really in a position to decide which of two disagreeing experts to believe. Illustrated with lots of worrying examples from Andrew's own experience.
Andrew Moncrieff
Andrew began his post-graduate academic career studying the rocks and sediments left behind in East Greenland and other parts of the Arctic by one of the world's deepest glaciations. After achieving his doctorate he joined the British Antarctic Survey, with which he completed two field seasons in the spectacular mountains of Alexander Island on the Antarctic Peninsula.
In 1992 Andrew decided to leave the academic world and joined Hawkins where he trained in the investigation of fires and explosions, disciplines in which he has worked ever since. Andrew is now one of Hawkins' most experienced fire investigators.
Andrew also introduced Hawkins to forensic geology and carries out small, but significant numbers of investigations relating to geology. These include the deterioration of natural building materials, failures in quarries and mines and the use of rocks and soil in the identification of fraud.
On the criminal side, Andrew has conducted numerous geological investigations into serious crimes, the most high-profile example being the Soham murder enquiry. He used soil and rock evidence to show that Ian Huntley had driven his car on the remote track where the bodies of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were found.
In 2008 Andrew sailed single handed round the UK and Ireland in his 10m sloop Snow Goose.
Andrew became Managing Director of Hawkins in 2012 and is based at their Cambridge office.
Employers Liability insurance and the GIG economy
This is an interesting topical subject with much in the press re Uber, Delivaroo, zero hours contracts etc. and developing case law (Pimlico Plumbers, City Sprint etc.)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, delegates will be able to identify:
- How new models of employment interact with existing legislation
- Where employer/employee responsibilities sit when contractual relationship is unclear
- The grey areas raised by the gig economy
Jon Hesketh
Jon has been an underwriter for 15 years and currently manages QBE’s liability team in Manchester. He is a specialist in employer’s and public liability with a particular focus on construction and engineering in the larger commercial sector. Jon is also an Associate of the Institute of Risk and Safety Management
When Claims Go Wrong
What happens when claims go wrong? Learn from our claims expert and chartered loss adjuster Martin Almond about how brokers can get claims right pre-loss, and why supporting the policyholder during a claim should be an essential part of your customer service strategy. You’ll also be able to put Martin’s advice into context with a range of interesting case studies.
Learning Objectives:
This session will help brokers to learn and understand:
- the core reasons why claims can go wrong
- the complex issues that arise from property claims
- the steps to take and questions to ask your customers pre-loss
- how to deal with claims issues when something does go wrong
Martin Almond
Martin Almond is the Operations Director of Lorega Solutions, and has over thirty five years of experience working with claims. He is ACII and FCILA qualified and specialises in helping policyholders with complex business interruption claims.
Technical Pension Updates
Pension Regulatory and Technical Considerations after publication of FCA March 2018 updates
During the session Andrew will cover the FCA’s recently published Policy Statement 18/6, which provides feedback on CP17/16. This document provides rules and guidance with particular regard to Defined Benefit transfers. Andrew will also consider the main points from Consultation Paper 18/7 – improving the quality of pension advice.
He will also discuss other planning aspects for your clients retirement provision.
Learning Outcomes:
You’ll walk away with an understanding of the following learning objectives:
- Regulatory requirements for pension transfers after publication of Policy Statement 18/6 and the further issues for consultation from CP18/7
- Defining and reviewing an evidence based strategy for income needs
- Intergenerational pension & wealth planning
Andrew Nash – Pensions Business Development Manager
Andy joined the team at Prudential in December 2016.
A Chartered Financial Planner since 2006, Andy has worked in the industry for over 30 years. He has held a variety of positions with major providers and has also worked in a regulated advisory capacity.
Andy brings extensive experience in the Pension, Investment and Tax Planning arena to the team.
Powers of persuasion: Top tips for persuasive writing techniques
This interactive and practical session is fully contextualised for professionals working in the insurance sector and financial services. It will teach the key skill of how to write to influence colleagues, customers and third parties. The skills taught can also be transferred to verbal communication when, for example, you may need to make a presentation for new business. The seminar examines how to structure your writing, the language of persuasion, techniques such as literary devices in professional communication and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the session participants will be able to:
- understand the importance of structuring communication when seeking to influence the target reader.
- use language and writing techniques that enhance the power of persuasion in communication.
- communicate with clients or third parties to create a win-win situation for everyone involved.
Jeff Heasman is a professional trainer who holds a bachelors degree in law from the University of Glamorgan and a master of laws degree from Swansea University, as well as a postgraduate certificate in teaching English language to adults. He spent many years in practice as a litigation executive, dealing with cases up to and including the Court of Appeal in London (England v IBC Vehicles Ltd) and as a senior liability adjuster at Crawford and Company he dealt with insurance claims arising from many worldwide jurisdictions, with a particular focus on public and employers’ liability claims.
A former Dean of the Faculty of Law and lecturer in law at Cavendish University in Zambia, as well as a tutor in legal English at Swansea University, Jeff now provides training in insurance law, practice and language to prestigious insurance organisations and companies throughout the world. He maintains a close connection to the international legal profession, working as a consultant in insurance law to a niche firm based in Istanbul, Turkey and he provides plain language editing services to the UK insurance industry.
The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) – how does it affect you?
The session is aimed at intermediaries who may not yet have started preparing for implementation of the IDD, or which have started their preparations and want a sense-check that they have covered all the bases. During the session, we will provide an overview of the IDD together with practical advice on the consequences for brokers and managers, and on the steps that need to be taken prior to implementation in October 2018.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the session, participants will have knowledge of:
- the background to the IDD, including its aims and objectives;
- the specific requirements on brokers relating to PII and continuing professional development;
- the new rules relating to pre-contract disclosures (including the disclosure of commissions and fees);
- the new requirement to provide Insurance Product Information Documents (IPIDs) to policyholders.
Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson is a partner in Browne Jacobson’s insurance group, specialising in advising insurers and intermediaries on regulatory and compliance issues. Tim regularly advises intermediaries on compliance matters, including undertaking compliance due diligence in relation to acquisitions of other regulated firms. Tim also specialises in the creation of insurance policy wordings and associated documentation.
Tim is currently working with both insurers and intermediaries in relation to their preparation for the IDD, and has to date drafted over 100 IPIDs!
Cyber Claims
This session will focus on claims trends, how insurers are adapting their cover to an evolving risk landscape, and what the implications of GDPR will be on the industry.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session, participants will be able to understand:
- where claims are most commonly arising
- the importance of claim response in minimising longer term impact to a business
- how cyber policies are evolving to cater for new risks and threats
- how policies will respond to GDPR
- what impact GDPR will have on the distribution of cyber insurance
Stephen Ridley
Stephen is the Lead Cyber Underwriter Hiscox UK and Ireland. With more than 8 years of experience specialising in cyber and data risks insurance, he is widely regarded as a thought leader in the field, and regularly speaks at industry events as well as frequently being featured in both trade and national press. Outside of work, Stephen is a keen triathlete, and as part of the Great Britain Age Group Squad, won bronze at the European Middle Distance Championships in 2017.
FCA Findings from the Suitability Review & expectations on Replacement Business
This session will focus on the FCA’s Assessing Suitability Review. They will present their findings on both the quality of advice that firms have been providing and how firms have been disclosing their costs and their services.
The session will also consider the subject of Replacement Business and the FCA will detail their expectations of firms who are active in this area. They will use real life examples of good and poor practice collected from the Assessing Suitability Review which will help firms re-assess their own systems and controls when making a replacement recommendation.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the background to the FCA’s recent Assessing Suitability Review.
- Gain clarity on the key findings from both the Quality of Advice and Disclosure assessments.
- Understand the FCA’s expectations of firms that carry out Replacement Business
Mark Goold - Senior Associate
Mark has worked in the profession for 30 years and joined the FSA’s Supervision Department in 2008. During this time has been involved in high profile projects such as pension switching, income drawdown and RDR implementation. He worked on the assessment programme in relation to the fair treatment of customers and has been delivering the FCA’s Positive Compliance workshops for the last 5 years. Mark was also involved in the development of the FCA’s Live and Local programme and as part of this, he hosts roundtables for advisers and also works with the FCA Chairman at adviser events. He is currently involved in presenting the FCA’s Assessing Suitability workshops and is a regular presenter at the Personal Finance Society’s regional meetings.
Equality and Diversity in the workplace
Equality and Diversity in the workplace is an important issue that all employees in any organisation need to understand. The words equality and diversity are often used but what do they actually mean? Equality focuses on the law, and diversity looks at how we can accept and celebrate our differences. Equality laws exist to identify, tackle and eradicate unlawful discrimination, to help us improve our workplace cultures and behaviours. This can often be quite a challenge, so the first step is to increase knowledge, understanding and skills in this area.
The aims and objectives of this session – learning outcomes include:
Understand Equality and Diversity
- The importance of a diverse workforce
- Policies
Legislative framework
- Protected characteristics
- Types of discrimination
Current ‘hot topics’
- Gender pay gap
- Sex harassment
- Dress codes
- Transgender
An opportunity to hear from and question lawyers experienced in handling highly sensitive discrimination cases’.
Gemma Elliott & David Potter
Gold Sponsors
RE Spencer Ltd -
Polygon -
Silvers Sponsors
Thomas International -
Fiducia -
SP -
Bronze Sponsors
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CII Accredited
This demonstrates the quality of an event and that it meets CII member CPD scheme requirements.
5 hours' CPD can be claimed for this event if relevant to your learning and development needs.
It is recommended that you keep any evidence of the CPD activity you have completed and upload copies to the recording tool as the CII may ask to see this if your record is selected for review. Details of the scheme can be viewed online at