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How to set correct BI Sums Insured in a Covid affected economy

  • Mon 18 Jan 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Alan Chandler

How to set correct Bi sums insured in a Covid-19 affected economy, where the client’s book of accounts no longer resemble the correct long term trading position Two lockdowns and massive drops in customer numbers will mean the 2020 book of accounts for most businesses will have absolutely no reflection of the true earning capacity of that enterprise. So how do clients go about setting a correct Business interruption sums insured for the forthcoming period of insurance?

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Council Meeting - January

  • Tue 12 Jan 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Nottingham Insurance Institute Council meeting. If you are not a member of council and would like to attend, please contact our secretary to obtain more information and reserve your place.

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M05 Insurance Law - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (3)

  • Tue 05 Jan – Tue 05 Jan
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M05 Insurance Law - DipCII Learning Assistance Program - Advance Booking Necessary.

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M05 Insurance Law - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (2)

  • Fri 11 Dec – Fri 11 Dec
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M05 Insurance Law - DipCII Learning Assistance Program - Advance Booking Necessary.

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Working with Vulnerable Clients

  • Wed 09 Dec 10:30 am – 11:30 am
    • Jan Holt, Scottish Widows

In this live webinar, our speaker will cover the key indicators of vulnerability, and share their thoughts on how best to create good outcomes for those in vulnerable circumstances.

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How to protect yourself from potential future claims

  • Tue 24 Nov 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Philippa Hann, Clarke Willmott LLP

Join us and Philippa Hann of Clarke Willmott LLP for this webinar on How to protect yourself from potential future claims.

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M05 Insurance Law - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (1)

  • Fri 20 Nov – Fri 20 Nov
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M05 Insurance Law - DipCII Learning Assistance Program - Advance Booking Necessary.

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Understanding the implications of policy exclusions following Covid-19

  • Tue 10 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

As promised, following on from the session delivered by Adam Edwards of Freeth’s, we are now pleased to confirm that we have arranged the second session in the series addressing the BI Test Case Judgment and its implications for general insurance practitioners, both insurers and brokers. This highly topical and timely webinar is being delivered by Alan Chandler one of the most popular presenters in the UK.

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Futureproof your retirement business with a Centralised Retirement Proposition

  • Wed 04 Nov 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Kevan Ramanauckis, Canada Life

The second Market in Financial Instruments Directive – MiFID II – came into force on the 3rd January 2018. It introduced the “Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebooks” or PROD. This may sound like a handbook that applies just to product providers and indeed it includes many rules for these firms; but it also includes sections that are relevant to advisory firms or “distributors.” The aim of the handbook is to ensure all firms have good product governance and for advisory firms it relates to the approach taken for providing advice to clients, including the design and implementation of a Centralised Investment Proposition (CIP) and or a Centralised Retirement Proposition (CRP). These include rules relating to understanding products and liaising with providers but, also on the advisory firm’s proposition for clients. This is an interactive webinar using gotomeeting.

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A plain English overview of Builders performance bonds

  • Fri 30 Oct 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This session will explain the difference between a bond and an insurance contract and show why brokers need to understand what a builders performance bond is.

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M85 Claims Practice - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (4)

  • Tue 20 Oct – Tue 20 Oct
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M85 Claims Practice- DipCII Learning Assistance Programme - Advance Booking Necessary.

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  • Mon 12 Oct 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Adam Edwards, Freeths
    • Daniel Meyer, Freeths

The FCA’s test case concluded on 30 July and the judges handed down their judgment mid September. Where do we go from here? What action do we as professionals now need to take? What impact will this judgement have on current claims, whether reported and declined or not yet reported?

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Directors and officers and EPL insurance in a plain English nutshell

  • Wed 07 Oct 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Alan will briefly explain the history of D&O and explain how the market place is changing, including the fact that many more directors are being sued individually coupled with the fact that the amount of HSE prosecutions have trebled against individual directors since 2015.

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The Perfect Storm - Solvency II & Ogden

  • Thu 24 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler

This presentation entitled the Perfect Storm, will be exploring why capacity is draining out of the UK insurance market and why we are moving into a very hard market where niche covers will be difficult to place.

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Fantasy Football 2020

  • Sat 12 Sep. 12:00 pm

After the great success of last years event, I am pleased to announce that we are going to run the new Nottingham Insurance Institute Fantasy Premier League for the upcoming 2020/21 football season. So, if you see yourself as the next top manager then try our NII Fantasy Premier League 2020/21, which starts on Saturday 12th September. The league will be using the official Premier League fantasy football site, so, if you are interested or entered last year without success then you will need to register by following this link: If you have not competed in this game before, then I would encourage everyone to read the Rules which can be found in the Help section of the site. It is FREE to enter the league and our competition for all CII and Professional Members. I will be sending over monthly league tables to see how everyone is doing and will be also hosting a prize winner evening and event (hopefully!) at the end of the season, to hand out prizes to those who have been victorious. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd and of course a wooden spoon prize – details of the prizes are to be announced. Once registered, please let me know your email address and the company which you work for, so that I can send you an invite to join the league. Please email me at: So why not give it a go, it is free to enter after all! Many Thanks Andrew Fennell, NII Secretary

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M85 Claims Practice - DipCII Learning Assistance - Advance Registration Required (3)

  • Fri 11 Sep – Fri 11 Sep
    • Alan Chandler

FULLY BOOKED M85 Claims Practice- DipCII Learning Assistance Programme - Advance Booking Necessary.

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Council Meeting

  • Wed 09 Sep 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

This council meeting will be held via video link. If an Institute member would like to attend, please contact Andrew Fennell on

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  • Wed 02 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Bernard Thornton FCII

Over the last 25 years, few areas of the insurance market have seen such frequent and significant changes than that of personal injury claims. The Civil Liability Act, now scheduled to take effect in April 2021, will introduce what are likely to be the most sweeping changes yet.

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Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability. Have we reached the final decision? - Afternoon Session

  • Thu 27 Aug 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

On 1 April 2020, the Supreme Court handed down its judgments in two highly important cases for employers and the insurance industry: Various Claimants v Barclays Bank and Various Claimants v Morrisons. The Court of Appeal had held Barclays to be vicariously liable for the actions of an independent contractor and Morrisons liable for a major data breach committed by a rogue employee who was subsequently sentenced to prison. The Supreme Court has overturned both decisions.

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Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability. Have we reached the final decision? - Morning Session

  • Thu 27 Aug 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman

On 1 April 2020, the Supreme Court handed down its judgments in two highly important cases for employers and the insurance industry: Various Claimants v Barclays Bank and Various Claimants v Morrisons. The Court of Appeal had held Barclays to be vicariously liable for the actions of an independent contractor and Morrisons liable for a major data breach committed by a rogue employee who was subsequently sentenced to prison. The Supreme Court has overturned both decisions.

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