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Diploma in Insurance Online Training Programme
The Insurance Institutes of the South, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Diploma in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Dip CII in 15 months through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.
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Joint Learning and Development (CPD) Conference
There is still time to reserve your place for year's annual CPD conference, which is taking place on Wednesday 18 October at Lingfield Park Resort. Jointly hosted by the Insurance Institute of Sussex and North Downs Insurance Institute, it will be of interest to all general insurance professionals and will deliver 5 hours of quality CPD to attendees. The range of topical subjects has now been finalised and will cover: - the Building Safety Act 2022 - developments in cyber insurance - electric vehicles and their insurance implications - fraudulent injury claims - malicious risks and the current challenges faced by insurance clients in our modern world - renewable energy insurance These will all be presented by experts in their field. Further details can be found on our website by clicking on the Book Now button.
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Hawkins Webinar - Leaking Pipes & Cylinders – Common Themes between the Industry and the Airing Cupboard
Reflecting on common themes that lead to leaks and failures in high-integrity industries, or the pipework in your home. The topics divide into: · Materials and Methods – specifications and established fabrication procedures · Installation Skill – how individuals demonstrate competency Service Conditions – corrosion and stresses over time causing failure
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Hawkins Webinar - Fibre Reinforced Composite Pipes & Tanks/Pressure Vessels
Amir explains what a fibre reinforced composite is, where they are used, and some of the methods for manufacturing pipes and tanks made from composites. He will also discuss the reasons why they are becoming ever more popular and some of the failures that can occur in pipes and tanks/pressure vessels.
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To Pair or Not to Pair: what wine pairings can teach us about forming high quality connections in our social and professional lives About the session A good pairing of wine and food is likely to result in a more enjoyable experience and whilst it is down to the choice of each individual, there are some fundamental principles that can be used to ensure that the food and wine pair well. Likewise, there are some fundamental principles that can be applied to our relationships that will enable us to form connections and networks that align with our values and so make us, and those around us, happier and more successful. Through tasting 5 different wines from Spain and Portugal, we will link the fundamental principles of wine and food pairing to the fundamental principles of forming high quality connections in our social and professional lives.
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Hawkins Webinar - The Effects of Hydrogen on Materials Properties: Hawkins’ Experience in the Context of Insurance Claims
Introducing the basic characteristics of hydrogen, the current trend for its applications, and its effects on materials. Lin includes recent examples of materials failures in the context of insurance claims.
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Hawkins Webinar - Sprinkler Systems, & the Potential Problems
Christabel provides a review of sprinkler pipework including: Commissioning process Material compatibility and what can go wrong
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Wine and Wellbeing: what wine tasting can teach us about how to develop sensory awareness for better mental wellbeing About the session We often take our senses for granted and yet greater sensory awareness enables us to focus on the present, reduce anxiety and improve our emotional reactions to things that occur around us. Sensory awareness is also a fundamental part of wine tasting. In this fun and entertaining CPD session, through using sensory awareness techniques to taste 5 different wines from Spain and Portugal, we will learn what sensory awareness is and how it can be used to improve our mental wellbeing.
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Hawkins Webinar - Inclusion Conclusion
Glass is often thermally toughened, and whilst this imparts strength, it can also leave it vulnerable to fracture by debris from manufacture; inclusions. Elly will discuss types of glass and the manner in which they fracture, looking at some real life examples.
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Through the Grapevine: what wine can teach us about being a better communicator! About the session The characteristics of a good wine can teach us a lot about the characteristics of a good communicator. Each wine is unique in its character and so too is each person. However, there are common ingredients and methods that go in to producing the finished article, whether it be a good wine or a good communicator. Through tasting five different Spanish and Portugese wines, each with a unique character, this session will relate these characteristics to the five essential characteristics of a good communicator, from preparation through to execution of a message.
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Webinar – Let's Talk Menopause
The menopause can have a big impact on the daily lives of employees and, in turn, have a negative impact on their performance and attendance at work. This session aims to help raise awareness of the challenges it can cause and the simple actions that can help women thrive in the workplace.
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Hawkins Webinar - The Use of Drones to Inspect Fire-Damaged Buildings
This session will look at how drones can overcome the challenges of restricted access and assist in the production of comprehensive illustrated reports.
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Hawkins Webinar - The Need for Speed: Estimating speed in collision investigations
This session will cover methods in which an expert might estimate vehicle speeds, including a discussion on their reliability and limitations.
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Hawkins Webinar - MEWPs on Construction Sites: A Lower Risk Option
This session will look at the types of Mobile Elevated Working Platforms available including: - training and qualifications required - potential hazards - examples of MEWP related incidents
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Hawkins Webinar - BLEVEs: The Hidden Dangers of Back Boilers
This session will cover the risks associated with domestic back boilers, and how environmental factors and incorrect decommissioning can result in catastrophic damage to property.
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Hawkins Webinar - Crane Safety - Not just torquing nuts! A review of the Carol Anne crane collapse
A review of a fatal crane accident that occurred on the Carol Anne workboat off Mull in 2015 including: - the mechanics of the incident - the complexity of crane mounting - the benefits of investigating at an early stage
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Hawkins Webinar - Over-Fired Air (OFA) in Industrial Boilers
Paul will discuss how pollution control technology can cause a loss of steam and/or power generation.
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Escapes of Water
This webinar will cover common causes of escapes of water and how Regulations, Standards and Manufacturer’s guidance can be used to achieve a recovery.
View event detailsAnnual Dinner 2022
The much awaited Annual Black Tie Charity Dinner! Join the President, members of council and local CII and PFS members for an evening of networking, comedy and dancing to reflect on the work of our industry all whilst raising money for the Insurance Charities. Our dinners have been well known as a good opportunity to combine work and play with many guests using the evening as the ideal event to entertain colleagues and business partners. Please click through the link for full details and how to book.
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Wind induced failures of buildings & Reducing flood risk during remedial works
In this webinar Ian Major will discuss wind induced failures of buildings and structures with some case studies to show how they are investigated. This will be followed by a discussion from Richard Keightley about property flood resilience (‘PFR’): what it is, how it works, and the benefits of ‘building back better’ after a flood.
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