
The Insurance Act Seminar - A 2nd seminar will be held later this year

Thu 14 Jan. 2016

The recent Insurance Act seminar held at the Ageas Bowl was so successful we were oversubscribed. As such we will hold another seminar on the same subject later this year to allow those who wanted to attend access to the seminar.

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Meet the President

Thu 26 Nov. 2015

The Meet the President event was held on the 26th November, hosted by President Kelvin Farmaner at his offices. The evening was an opportunity to showcase what the local CII does and allow members to meet the President in an informal way and ask any question they may have. The evening was made more enjoyable with a fun wine tasting session, much enjoyed by everyone

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Charities Shield - Winner

Thu 22 Oct. 2015

SOUTHAMPTON INSTITUTE IS A JOINT WINNER OF THE INSURANCE CHARITIES CENTENARY SHIELD The Insurance Institute of Southampton is delighted to announce that it has been awarded The Insurance Charities Centenary Shield, jointly with the Insurance Institute of Leicester, for the year 2014/15.

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The Golf Society (SIGS)

Fri 2 Oct. 2015

Our Golf Society (SIGS) has a full yearly programme with several events and fundraising days.

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Are you interested in getting involved?

Fri 17 Apr. 2015

The insurance institute is made up of a dedicated group of industry professionals, who voluntarily give up their spare time to offer a range of key benefits to CII and PFS members in the local area.

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