Forthcoming events

All forthcoming events

WEBINAR - Anti Bribery and Corruption

  • Tue 10 Sep 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Kerris Earle, Zing 365

This session is designed to give you practical insight and understanding about workplace bribery and corruption, focusing on the UK Bribery Act 2010. It covers actions for compliance, risk mitigation, and the consequences of corrupt practices.

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WEBINAR - Goals and goal setting

  • Wed 11 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas Associates

Goals are ‘dreams with legs’ – they motivate us and drive us forward. Goal-setting shifts us from a negative problem-focused mindset into a positive mindset, and ‘where focus goes, energy flows’. This session draws on research from the worlds of psychology, neuroscience and coaching to explore the power of goals and how to structure them to get the results that we really want.

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WEBINAR - The science of organisational and personal resilience

  • Tue 17 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Tom Flatau, Team Work International (TWI)

Some people seem to deal with whatever is thrown at them. Long hours, uncertainty, back-to-back meetings, re-structuring, family demands. They take it in their stride. An immersive, vivid and compelling experience. Leave with insight and renewed motivation to act.

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WEBINAR - Trust, building trustworthiness and trusted advisor status

  • Tue 01 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas Associates

In the insurance industry, in particular, we often focus on developing our technical skills, and our product and service knowledge in the belief that this alone will be all we need to win new clients, and then provide great service to existing clients. But of course if the prospect does not ‘trust’ us sufficiently we are unlikely to be appointed in the first place, and if our clients don’t trust us, it will be more difficult for us to bring value, and our position will be constantly under threat. This session focuses on the importance of Trust in prospect and client relationships, and how to build it.

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WEBINAR - The Power of Values (Rerun)

  • Wed 30 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

Every decision we make and every goal we set is guided by our values, but most us live our lives directed by a value set that we haven’t consciously constructed ourselves! This session will allow delegates to gain clarity on their true values, allowing them to pursue happy, fulfilling lives in congruence with their values.

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