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WEBINAR - Financial Stress and Mental Health
Financial strain is recognised as being one of the key stress factors for adults, and it can be a major risk factor for poor mental health. It is not uncommon for people to neglect their mental health, specifically when they are experiencing financial stress. In this one hour session we will explore the relationship between financial stress and health - and attendees will leave with practical tools to help them combat financial stress, and stay well.
View event detailsWEBINAR - Why Choose CII Exams: Unlocking Your Path to Professional Excellence
During this session we will look at the process of achieving CII qualifications, and the benefits. We will explain the exam structures, required study time and how to plan your study to achieve the required results, along with information on the additional support that is available to you.
View event detailsWEBINAR - How to be Positively Disruptive
We are trained to pass exams; to fit in; to ‘be good and keep our head down and work’. However, we are living in a changing world. Having the ability to challenge existing norms; to identify opportunities and bring these to the workplace are invaluable for companies. But is a fine line between being Disruptive and a positive disruptor. In this topic we will discover how to avoid being mediocre: but a positively disruptive, invaluable member of your team.
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Lunchtime Webinar - Goal Setting for Success
It’s time to reset and set yourself up for success in 2024! Join us on this interactive Zoom session where we will work together to set ourselves up for success in 2024!
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This session on inflation considers what effect increasing inflation has on business insurance - what clauses and cover issues brokers and insurers need to consider for various classes of cover.
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Enabling Womens Careers - 10th Jan 2024 - Cycle your way to success
Join us for the January Women's Forum session. In this session we will be exploring how we can Cycle our way to Success! This session will be live online on Zoom. It will not be recorded as we aim to create a safe space for members to express themselves, network and grow. These sessions are for all levels of PFS and CII and future topics will be established from member feedback within the group. The sessions are facilitated by Caroline who is a Certified Coach and NLP Trainer, however, these sessions are an exploration for all and so please bring your top tips to share with other members of the group and be open to explore and encourage eachother. Please allow up to 90 minutes for this session.
View event detailsForecasting & Pipeline Management
The ‘typical’ sales person in popular culture is often seen as someone who just wants to ‘get out there’ and ‘sell’, or to look after their clients/prospects. They object to the tedium of inputting data, or following what they see as strict bureaucratic guidelines on exactly how to do this. The sales/team leader has the unenviable task of trying to entice or enforce his maverick team members to toe the line. When sales people do complete their pipeline there are multiple reasons why it may be unreliable and inaccurate. This session will demonstrate to sales/team leaders and individual sales people [whether they are pure sellers, BDMs or Account Executives] the vital importance of effective pipeline management in ALL of their roles, and some effective strategies and tips for achieving it.
View event detailsWEBINAR - Global Threats facing the Insurance Industry
What are the global threats facing the insurance industry right now and how are these impacting UK insurers and brokers? This will be an interactive and wide-ranging talk and those attending will be actively encouraged to contribute with their own experiences. We will look at the differences in responses between insurers and brokers with brokers considering business conduct more of a concern than insurers.
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Enabling Womens Careers - 13th December 2023 - Managing the Merriness without Meltdown
Join us for the December Women's Forum - Managing the Merriness without Meltdown This session will be Live-Online on Zoom. It will not be recorded as we aim to create a safe space for members to express themselves, network and grow. These sessions are for all levels of PFS and CII and future topics will be established from member feedback within the group. The sessions are facilitated by Caroline who is a Certified Coach and NLP Trainer, however, these sessions are an exploration for all and so please bring your top tips to share with other members of the group and be open to explore and encourage eachother. Please allow up to 90 minutes for this session.
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WEBINAR - Understanding the security lapses that led to a Business Email Compromise (Rerun Session)
Join us for powerful insights into the security lapses which led to a real life case of a law firm that was comprised in email fraud leading to a large financial loss. This is a rerun of the session on 19/09/23 for those who missed it.
View event detailsWEBINAR - FCA GI Consumer Duty and Multi-Occupancy update
We are now live with Consumer Duty the FCA has urged firms to get on with it! Sheldon Mills, Executive Director of Consumers and Competition, warned that firms who ignore it or who pose the most harm can expect swift action. Most importantly, we will also cover the new rules that will be effective from 1 January 2024 on multi-occupancy insurances following intervention by the government – these new rules will impact 5 million leaseholders who will be defined as stakeholders and firms will have to act in their best interests and no commission sharing will be allowed with PMAs unless clear value to the leaseholder is evidenced.
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How to design your vision and align your life
Caroline is a huge believer in exploring possibilities and dreaming big! She is not only an International Bestselling Co-Author but has also recently featured on the front page of the latest Rapport Magazine, the industry magazine for the Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming for sharing her magical methedolgy on 'How to design your vision and align your life' Gift yourself 90 minutes dedicated to your own development to ignite your reticular activator into setting yourself up for success in 2024. This session is suitable for all levels of development. Please have your camera on and be open to working with others.
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Healthy, helpful personal coping strategies are absolutely fundamental to health, happiness and success at work. This empowering session helps you to develop some powerful self-help strategies to manage stress, boost resilience and protect overall health and wellbeing. Through group discussion, activities and exercises, attendees will identify areas in their lives where more self-help would be beneficial, and will take away some practical ways to be intentional in developing healthy self-care practices.
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Hawkins Webinar - Finding Evidence of Fraud & Deliberate Fire Setting
Russ will cover the identification of physical evidence that identifies fires as being started deliberately, alongside evidence that identifies where fires and other peril claims are potentially fraudulent.
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Hawkins - Corrosion in the Power Industry
Giuseppe will focus on two widespread corrosion mechanisms that routinely lead to large business interruption claims in the power industry: Corrosion Under Insulation, and Microbiologically Induced Corrosion. He will discuss causes of these degradation mechanisms, as well as how to recognise and prevent them.
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Intl Men's Day - Session 4 - Men's Mental Health in 2023 (Panel Discussion)
In our final lunchtime virtual session for International Men's Day, delegates can listen to a panel discussion with industry professionals from across the local financial services industry, where we will delve into the world of men’s mental health, how our speakers have recognised the signs of poor mental health and what they do to protect their mental health. Please note that to aid the flow of discussion, this session will not be recorded.
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Intl Men's Day - Session 3 - Stress Readiness (George Zielinski)
In the third and penultimate of our lunchtime virtual sessions for International Men's Day, please join George Zielinski of GROW Yourself where delegates can leverage insights from behavioural science to help better manage and renew physical, mental and emotional energy.
View event detailsHawkins Webinar - Investigating Fires Involving Biomass Boilers
Hawkins has investigated many fires associated with biomass boilers, but over the past few years there has been a noticeable increase in instructions of fires relating to their use. In this webinar, Camilla discusses what biomass boilers are, how they work, and how they can cause fires.
View event detailsIntl Men's Day - Session 2 Men's Total Mind & Health (Ollie Martin)
In the second of our lunchtime virtual sessions for International Men's Day, please join Ollie Martin of Nick Thomas Associates where delegates will learn to understand what works and what does not and what they can do about their health and performance in the here and now. This interactive workshop will be interspersed with short practices and tests to support engagement and illustrate and support learning.
View event detailsWEBINAR - Hospitality Industry Focus
Join Diane Jenkins for this webinar where this session on Hospitality is another of our series of sessions looking at sector specific contemporary insurance related issues, and offering practical guidance for dealing with them.
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