Thu 26 Nov. 2020

Charity Challenge update from Clare Jermy …

Our Treasurer Clare has been taking part on our Charity Challenge for Mind and has given us an update on her progress so far!

I was elated to know that I hit my 50 mile goal early (by day 22 no less) but wanted continue to push myself.

It's been getting harder to go for long walks or bike rides due to the drizzly and cold weather we've been having, so I've been making the most of indoor exercise.

To increase the number of miles, I've swapped my usual week day yoga with Zumba and still do yoga on the days I need to unwind. This challenge has really ignited my passion for dancing again and it's amazing how many steps you can clock up in a 20 minute Zumba session (roughly 1500 steps which is about 0.75 miles)!

As of today I've achieved 57 miles and really want to hit 70 miles by the end of the month. Alycia and I are planning a final push at the weekend by cycling around the countryside (hopefully in the sunshine)!

Thank you so much for your donations so far and I'll keep you updated with our final achievements!

Kind regards,
