Sat 17 Oct. 2015

The Insurance Institute of Bedford and Milton Keynes goes back to school…...

The Insurance Institute of Bedford and Milton Keynes goes back to school.....

On 22 September 2015 the Institute joined the Year 11 Careers Fair at Milton Keynes Academy. The President, Kaye Sydenham, and the Careers Officer, Rachel Kirkup, attended the event in order to promote the insurance industry as a potential career choice to the upcoming school leavers at the Academy. Over 250 students were present.

The students were given information on what risk is and how this relates to the insurance industry. Details of the different paths that a career in insurance may take you on were discussed. The Institute also promoted the exam pathways available to a CII member which help those in the industry develop professionally.

There was interest in what was promoted and it was clear that insurance was not a career that the students had ever previously considered. The Institute hopes to attend similar events in the future to attract young talent and continue to raise awareness that working within the insurance industry is not only rewarding but diverse and exciting.