Previous events

All previous events

Drinks Reception - Drinks, Nibbles, and Socialising

  • Thu 11 Nov 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm
  • Bambalan

Come and join fellow members of the Bristol CII as we get together for a long overdue catch-up! We'll be meeting at Bambalan, Podium Level, Beacon Tower, Colston Avenue, Bristol BS1 4XE, where there'll be plenty of food, drinks, and laughter to go around so get your ticket and we'll see you there!

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The Legal Principles of Insurance

  • Mon 08 Nov 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

This webinar will provide a plain English overview of the main legal principles of insurance which all those working in the insurance industry should have a practical working knowledge of, including: insurable interest; proximate cause; indemnity; subrogation; contribution, and fair presentation of risk.

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How to advise correctly on Business Interruption extensions and advanced loss of profit

  • Wed 03 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

One of the many things the Covid-19 pandemic has taught the insurance industry is the importance of going through the various BI extensions with clients and documenting these discussions. Failure to do this could leave the broker wide open to a PI claim against them.

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Business Interruption Insurance: all you need to know explained in plain English

  • Wed 27 Oct 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

Business Interruption insurance is one of the most misunderstood covers in the marketplace and this webinar looks at how these misunderstandings can be overcome. The webinar will deal with all the main aspects of BI insurance.

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Communicating with Customers in Difficult and Uncertain Times

  • Thu 21 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

The spread of COVID-19 has created difficult and uncertain times for customers and the insurance industry. Customer anxiety is heightened. The industry is under pressure. There are conflicting news stories about what insurance will or will not cover. Never has communication to customers been more important.

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Exploring Inclusion and Diversity Session 2: Making Things Better vs Making a Change

  • Thu 21 Oct 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Emma Clune
    • Katie Donovan Adekambi

In this session we will look at how you engage colleagues in change. How do you help them see that improving the status quo, isn’t actually making a change? How do you uncover and collaborate with Allies?

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How liability arises in tort

  • Mon 18 Oct 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

We sell many different liability insurance policies to customers every day, therefore brokers, underwriters and claims staff alike should understand the law of tort, as failure to understand this means protections may be inadequate and a fair presentation of risk may not occur.

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Fatigue and Stress: recognising the similarities, the differences and coping strategies

  • Thu 14 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Jeff Heasman
    • Andy Black

Stress and fatigue are often confused; they have some similarities but also many differences. This webinar will help you to identify what stress and fatigue feel like, and how to use coping strategies to deal with both.

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Directors and Officers insurance overview

  • Wed 13 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The webinar will briefly explain the history of D&O and how the D&O marketplace is changing dramatically due to the economy. The sad fact is that many businesses will struggle badly over the next few years and lots of redundancies will have to be made. This will result in a sharp spike in both Directors and Officers and Employment Liability Practices claims.

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IF3 Insurance Underwriting Process Overview

  • Fri 08 Oct 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

The course will look at the best exam techniques to use to pass IF3.

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Practical Mindfulness Techniques

  • Tue 05 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Katharine Jones

As we head into the darker evenings, managing your wellbeing may be more of a challenge with many of us finding it hard to stay positive and productive. This session introduces a range of mindfulness techniques that will help you stay on top form.

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MO5 Insurance Law intensive revision course (1)

  • Wed 29 Sep 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler

This intensive revision course is designed to help you develop your exam technique and knowledge for the MO5 module. These webinars will help delegates wherever they are in their MO5 journey, at the beginning or at the end revising for their multiple-choice examination.

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Exploring Inclusion and Diversity Session 1: What does inclusion mean?

  • Tue 21 Sep 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Online
    • Emma Clune
    • Katie Donovan Adekambi

We’re launching a series of talks to help us explore how inclusive we are as an industry and challenge ourselves to become allies and advocates. These sessions are for everyone, we just need you to have an interest in promoting Inclusion and Diversity. We’ll cover a wide range of topics, from helping you uncover your own response to bias to engaging your colleagues in meaningful change.

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Careers Week - Network for Success

  • Fri 17 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Susan Heaton-Wright, Superstar Communicator

Networking is an essential skill if you wish to raise your profile professionally and/or move your business forward, yet it is something many people dread. Being able to create and maintain a strong network is crucial. This interactive virtual masterclass provides the audience essential skills in face to face and online networking.

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Coaching & Mentoring

  • Thu 16 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Katharine Jones, KJDevelopment

The challenges of the last months have meant that adapting and learning new skills is more important than ever. This session is designed for anyone who is involved with sharing their knowledge and expertise with others.

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Careers Week - Time Management

  • Thu 16 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Susan Heaton-Wright, Superstar Communicator

Being able to manage your time and work more effectively and efficiently is a skill we all need to acquire. In this interactive workshop, we will share practical ways to manage your time and work more efficiently.

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FCA Business Interruption Insurance Test Case - FOS decisions

  • Wed 15 Sep 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Online
    • Branko Bjelobaba FCII

Following the Supreme Court appeal judgment I delivered 44 talks to CII local institutes attended by 2,355 members and now have a further talk on the subject. The one-hour webinar is again comprehensive and interactive and will focus on a number of various decisions made on complaints referred to the FOS following claims that have been turned down by insurers with the FOS considering the judgment of the Supreme Court in its decisions.

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Vulnerable Customers

  • Wed 15 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Alan Chandler, Alan Chandler

The FCA have found following a thematic review that vulnerable customers are often not treated fairly. In fact many insurers' pricing models have taken significant advantage of these customers; often the more vulnerable the customer the more the insurer has loaded rates at renewal.

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Careers Week - Raise your Visibility for Career Success

  • Wed 15 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Susan Heaton-Wright, Superstar Communicator

How is it that some people rapidly climb the career ladder whilst others – who might be equally as good, remain at a lower level? Having studied very successful people; watching their behaviour, actions and attitudes, I have identified key engagements these successful people do in order to be visible to decision makers. Come find out how...!

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Careers Week - Presentation Skills

  • Tue 14 Sep 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Susan Heaton-Wright, Superstar Communicator

Presenting, whether for pitching for investment or ideas; presenting to clients, stakeholders or senior management is an essential skill for any ambitious individual. It is an opportunity to develop credibility and raise your profile. In this virtual workshop I share the secrets of presenting “Superstar Communicator” style.

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