Mon 30 Apr. 2018

Barclay School Careers Fair

Peter Checketts ACII SIRM our Career Officer Reports

Barclay School, Stevenage held a very successful Careers fair on 25th April 2018 which was well supported by the local business community including Peter Checketts, Careers Officer for LSAII.

The school was well organised in providing the students with question sets to which the visiting business people needed to respond which encouraged dialogue and easy exchange of information in an informal way.

After the event Ruth Ward, Barclay School Careers Coordinator commented to Peter,

” Thank you - it was fantastic! The pupils got so much out of meeting all our different employers and there was just such a lovely buzzing atmosphere! Lovely to meet Peter and he seemed to always have a group of interested students talking to him! The students were very engaged when discussing careers with you and you had a wealth of experience and advice to offer. Thank you! I'm so glad our budding law student had the opportunity to talk to you about law and apprenticeships too.”