Past Presidents

The Insurance Institute of Luton & St Albans was founded in 1932, as the Luton centre of the Insurance Institute of Bedford. Members of The Insurance Institute of Enfield & Hertford were later transferred to the Luton & St Albans institute in 2001.

In 2018 we had the rebrand, from Luton & St Albans to Luton & Hertfordshire, to accommodate our Watford members following their institute’s dissolution.

The institute comprises of a council, led by an annual president commencing in April.

Past presidents of the Luton & Hertfordshire institute include:


2020 Miss T Bedford ACII

2021 M Morris Cert CII

2022 M Morris Cert CII

2023 Ms R Karn CMgr MCMI Cert CII

2024 Ms R Karn CMgr MCMI Cert CII


2019 G Potter Cert CII
2018 M Brett ACII
2017 G Williams ACII
2016 B Bjelobaba FCII
2015 C Lowe ACII
2014 L Patterson
2013 L Patterson
2012 A Body
2011 A Body
2010 A Watson ACII


2009 Ms L Powell
2008 C Lowe ACII
2007 C Lowe ACII
2006 P Checketts ACII
2005 M Jackson FCII
2004 D Korn ASFA
2003 D Moore
2002 P Dennis
2001 Mrs. J Jackson Dip CII Cert PFS
2000 B Bjelobaba FCII


1999 Mrs S Whitehouse
1998 A Sykes
1997 K Morgan
1996 B Bjelobaba FCII
1995 R A Pybus
1994 B Breed BA ACII FCILA
1993 M Jackson FCII
1992 M Jackson FCII
1991 D Martin FCII FCILA
1990 Mrs. J Alderton


1989 A Doggett
1988 C Lowe ACII
1987 R Castle ACII APMI
1986 R G Richardson FCII
1985 I Hellier ACII
1984 B Green ACII
1983 P L Norwood ACII
1982 B Alderton ACII
1981 J E Bryant FCII
1980 J A Tinsley ACII


1979 J S Mence ACII
1978 M A R Latch ACII
1977 N D Gray ACII FCILA
1976 D S Hayden ACII
1975 L Barlow
1974 J Toomey – Wilson
1973 W D R Chalmers ACII FCILA
1972 D G Collins INS FCII
1971 M Wray ACII MIMgt
1970 E Shaw FCII


1969 P J Constable ACII
1968 A V Rogers TD ACII
1967 M S Hempsell FCII FCILA
1966 D M Ellis DFC ACII
1965 J R Tucker
1964 L F Dibbin
1963 J P YounghusbandTD
1962 W H Perks FCIB
1961 J C Jones FCII
1960 R A E Stiff ACII


1959 B J Leutchford ACII
1958 C L Black
1957 M S Hempsell FCII FCILA
1956 D L Jones ACII FCILA
1955 G E Collinson
1954 R G Baily ACII
1953 P Dent FCII
1952 M N Legrove ACII
1951 N G Hitch
1950 N W White