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Humanising Communication & Increasing Client Interaction in an Automated World
In a business landscape that is becoming increasingly automated and in which interaction with clients is becoming less, it is more important than ever to understand the importance of client 'touch-points' and how to make to the most of them.
View event detailsWEBINAR: Maximising opportunities in a hard market
Alan will explain what constitutes a hard market and ten things both brokers and underwriters will need to do to maximise opportunities in these unique trading conditions.
View event detailsWEBINAR: Mental Health Reboot; Coffee, Connection & Calm (Sessions 1, 2 & 3)
Join us on the Mental Health Reboot; Coffee, Connection & Calm – our monthly social to support you and/your staff throughout the last quarter of 2020.
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The Art of Disagreement
Disagreements are inevitable and they often perceived in a negative light. However, through conversations a disagreement can be positive and even result in you retaining or winning new business.
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Cancelled - Diversification and Risk Mitigation Advising on EIS/BR/VCT
Tax enhanced investments have a lot of advantages for investors and the nature of the tax reliefs mean that appropriately diversified advice can give suitable clients a portfolio with downside protection and very high potential tax free returns. To mitigate risk using diversification across both the product providers and underlying investments is essential, also, an ability to undertake robust due diligence and to provide meaningful reporting is an important part of the ongoing management of an EIS/SEIS portfolio.
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Webinar: Personal Injury Claims - Where Next?
Over the last 30 years, few areas of the insurance market have seen such frequent and significant changes than that of personal injury claims.
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Errors and Omissions Claims against Brokers
Broker Professional Indemnity premiums are in many cases doubling which reflect the fact that Pi underwriters believe the possibility of brokers has never been higher. This presentation will explore why the amount of errors and omission claims against brokers are on the increase and how these can potentially be mitigated.
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Communicating With Customers in Difficult and Uncertain Times
The spread of COVID-19 has created difficult and uncertain times for customers and the insurance industry. Customer anxiety is heightened.
View event detailsDirectors & Officers Insurance in plain English.
Given the spike in D&O and EPL claims that will rise due to the forthcoming recession understanding the basics of D&O cover has never been more important.
View event detailsNPG Charity Bingo Night - POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
It’s “eyes down” as the Insurance Institute of Norwich’s New Professionals Group are pleased to host an evening of virtual bingo to help raise money for The Insurance Charities.
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Mental Health Reboot; Coffee, Connection & Calm Session Three
Join us on the Mental Health Reboot; Coffee, Connection & Calm – our weekly social to support you and/your staff throughout June.
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WEBINAR: Keeping & Growing your Book in Uncertain Times
We all know the market is changing and the global economy is in flux. Many industries will be facing uncertainty. The insurance market is no different. If you are asking yourself any of these questions this webinar is for you
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WEBINAR - Lessons from an Olympian on Maintaining Performance Through Adversity
Join us on Wednesday 3rd June at 12pm for an interactive webinar with Ben Hunt-Davis MBE of Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? For the 1 hour webinar focused on practical tips and advice from an Olympian on how to build a performance mindset through adversity.
View event detailsThe Perfect Storm
This presentation entitled the Perfect Storm, will be exploring why capacity is draining out of the UK insurance market and why we are moving into a very hard market where niche covers will be difficult to place.
View event detailsPOSTPONED - Quiz 'N' Chips Night 2020
SAVE THE DATE - QUIZ & CHIPS NIGHT 2020 BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! This is a General Knowledge Quiz - teams of 4 to 8 people, competing for the Cathy Woodbine Trophy.
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Due to extremely popular demand please find another webinar on the subject of 'Does my Bi policy cover COVID-19?'
Due to extremely popular demand please find another webinar on the subject of 'Does my Bi policy cover COVID-19?'
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'Does my BI policy cover COVID-19?' - REPEAT
Webinar presentation on a plain English explanation of how to answer the most common question of the moment: 'does my BI policy cover Covid-19?'
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Webinar: 'Does my BI policy cover Covid -19?'
Webinar presentation on a plain English explanation of how to answer the most common question of the moment: 'does my BI policy cover Covid-19?'
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Annual General Meeting 2020 - POSTPONED
Did you know that there are 56 local institutes across the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands? Every one is different, but we share a common goal: to sustain, enhance and advance the careers of CII and Personal Finance Society members. Joining our council will help enhance your career, meet new people and develop new skills. Our Annual General Meeting is on 08/04/19, giving you the opportunity to apply to sit on our council in a general capacity or in a dedicated role. That might be treasurer, secretary, or an officer responsible for education, membership or the organisation of the annual dinner. But, of course, you don’t need to stand for office. You can simply turn up to the AGM and hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members. To find out more about each and every role, please visit the CII website -
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Coronavirus Business Continuity: Best Practice in Managing Teams Remotely - Webinar
As the number of novel coronavirus cases continue to increase more and more companies are considering how and when to implement business continuity plans which, in the case of a pandemic, often include teams or offices working from home.
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